Passion of the Noise

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The first time it happened, Aoyama was balancing on top of a chair as he put up some lights along the walls. Although his room was already quite filled with shining objects of various purposes, he figured there could never be enough light in one room.

Just as he had fastened the end of the loop, however, a loud crash made him jump. He lost his balance and fell to the floor rather ungracefully, and cursed when his wrist hurt from catching his weight. Not before he scrambled to his feet did he realise that the crash was continuous, and that its source was his large speaker in the far corner of the room. Furrowing his brows, he tried to understand just what the noise actually was, and why his rather expensive speaker was playing such gauche sounds.

A knock on his door made him put on his usual grin and went to open it. There, Tokoyami was standing with an apologetic expression prominent in his eyes.

"I must apologize for this intrusion I have put you through", he said before Aoyama had time to greet him. "It was not my intention."

"Monsieur Tokoyami." Aoyama let his brows furrow slightly as he let confusion overtake him. "I beg your pardon, but I am unsure of what you speak of."

Instead of answering, Tokoyami gestured toward the speaker which was still playing that awful noise much too inelegant to be consciously appreciated by Aoyama's own tastes.

"Would that be... your music?" Aoyama stared at him in horror. He had thought Tokoyami was an interesting character with his attachment to everything frightening and dark, but even someone as daunting as him must surely find this sort of noise unbearing?

"It is indeed." Tokoyami confirmed Aoyama's assumption, much to his horror. "It appears we have the same model", he pointed to the speaker's label, "and I got them mixed up on my phone."

Still trying to figure out if Tokoyami was actually playing music or if he was watching a video with construction site machines, Aoyama felt his brow twitch slightly. It was an effort to keep his cool facade when those unpleasant sounds resonated through his precious room. Yet, he smiled.

"Oui, I see how that would be an easy error to make." He didn't quite understand why Tokoyami had to go knock on his door to tell him this. He seemed to sense Aoyama's confusion.

"I am unable to disconnect through Bluetooth alone. I believe it must be done from the main speaker." Tokoyami's eyes stared into Aoyama's, and briefly the blonde wondered if he could sense just how awful he thought his music was.

"Ah, pas de soucis!" He went to press the disconnecting button and was relieved when the gauche noise finally dispersed. "There, all fixed."

"My sincerest apologies", he repeated, and even went as far as to bow his head slightly. Aoyama smiled at him, much less forced now that the music had disappeared.

"Pas de problème." He winked at Tokoyami and struck a pose with his hand above his head. As he did so, his hurt wrist became strained, and pain flowed down his arm. He drew in a breath and quickly withdrew his hand again. Tokoyami watched him carefully, gaze flickering between him and the overturned chair by his desk.

"Are you alright?"

"Oui, of course." Not wanting his friend to grow worried, he let his smile fall back into place and winked with his long lashes. Tokoyami raised a brow.

"But your arm-"

"It is nothing to be concerned about", Aoyama assured. After eyeing each other for a few seconds, Tokoyami forfeited and nodded solemnly.

"If you insist." He motioned to walk away, but looked back once more. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again, changing his mind. "Goodnight", he said instead.

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