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Miguel reaches over putting his hand on my thigh. "And if I was you wouldn't let me ?" Who does he think I am, I'm not just gonna give in to his charming; manipulative ways every time. I move his hand, he puts it back. This time closer to my hips. "Miguel stop, you don't understand how dumb I look falling for you and letting you take advantage of me." "But Chasity I love you, you the only girl I ever see in my future. I talk to my mom about you all the time, I tell my boys about you." I stop him. "can you just stop lying to me and leading me on ? Just leave me alone. Im better off without your toxicity in my life." "Why don't you believe that I love you ?" This has gotta be the dumbest question he has ever asked me. "How could I believe that you love me when you have all these issues. Lady issues, issues I don't have to deal with." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. He pulls over to the side of the road, turns towards me and grabs my hands. He smells so good; like the ocean on a hot summer day. He looks me dead in my eyes, I blush. "Well Chasity I think it's time I be honest with you, you've been the only girl on my mind as far as settling down but we've never had sex and every time we get close something happens, I'm a guy Chas and I need some type of pleasure and if you gave it to me I'll be all about you." He licks his lips looking deeply into my eyes making me wet. "That's the problem Miguel if I don't wanna have sex with you that shouldn't detour our relationship if you claim you "love" me." He looks down at the ground. "But why don't you wanna have sex with me ?" I don't know what this has to do with anything. Why do guys pride themselves on sex ? I was a virgin when Antwon took advantage of me. "Because Miguel I didn't want you to take my virginity and still hurt me. I really feel some type of way about you Miguel and I know if I give you all of me you will run with that and never come back. I can't expose myself like that." I look down at the ring he gave me. He grabs my hand, firmly. "I want you to feel comfortable with me Chasity. One day you will be my wife." My phones starts to ring, I put up my finger signaling him to wait. It's my mom so I answer the phone cause I know she's probably wondering where I am. I put it on the speaker and signal Miguel to stay quiet, he nods his head. "Hey mama, what's up ?" "This ain't yo mama girl, where the hell are you ?" "Who is this ? And why you got my mama phone ?" "This is Antwon Chasity, you know who the fuck this is, play dumb if you want too and I'll do what I did last time and you'll be screaming like you was the last time." I take it off speaker, hoping Miguel wasn't paying attention to what Antwon said. "What do you want Antwon ?" "When will you be home ? I'm horny and yo mama gone be gone all night." I hang up in his face and I feel tears coming to my eyes, I look up to the ceiling to stop the tears from falling. I can feel Miguel looking at me. I look at him. "What was that ?" "That was Antwon, you know my moms boyfriend." "No, I know who it was but what was that and why is he talking to you like that, what does he mean "have you screaming again" Chasity tell me if he's done anything to you." "I have to go home Miguel." "I'm not taking you home until you tell me what's going on." "Miguel come on, it isn't a big deal he just said I need to come home." "He said you have to come home or he's gonna have you screaming like he did last time, what the fuck does that mean ?" He looks at me with more concern than I've ever seen Miguel have about a situation. I shake my head. "Chasity tell me what's going on now, I can take you to my place until you tell me everything." I look at him wondering if I can trust him with this type of information and how it will make him feel. I've always wanted Miguel to take my virginity, I was saving myself for him and I know this will hurt him to know that we've been together since we were 12 and he wasn't the one to take my virginity. I mean it isn't my fault but the situation did scar me for life. "Miguel..." I hesitate. "Spill it now Chasity, you can trust me. I may be a cheater but I am a good listener to I won't spread your business my love." "Okay, he raped me Miguel. He raped me twice and I was a virgin" I start crying. He pulls off from the side of the road driving 125mph in a 50mph. "Miguel slow down!" "Chasity he did what to you ?" He looks at me with rage in his eyes. "Does your mom know he did this to you ?" Miguel starts turning red. "Yes, she knows about it but she doesn't believe me she thinks that if he did it's because I dress to slutty around him." Miguel looks at me then down to the gun that's in his arm rest" "Miguel you can't shoot him." "How can't I ? You belong to me chasity, not even that he's a grown ass man. People are so fucking weird bro. Im Gonna kill him." "Miguel just stop let's go to your house and just let me stay a few days." "Okay, I'll drop it for now but you gotta keep my mind off it, did he use protection ?" "He did the first time but the second time he didn't." "Are you on birth control ?" "No." Miguel looks at me in the corner of his eye. "So how long ago did this happen ?" "This happened the same day you came over after I left the school after seeing you hugged up with Andrea." "Why didn't you tell me the same day I came Chasity ?" "Miguel what do you care about my life ?" He looks at me again. We drive in silence for the rest of the way. He wakes me up when we make it to the nice, huge mansion. I knew Miguel had money but I ain't know he had money money. He walks around the car opening my door. "So we're gonna go through the garage because I don't know if you want to talk to my mom you know how she is. "Is this a new house ?" "Yeah, my dad started a new job and thought it was time to upgrade so come on. Come to my room." He grabs my hand escorting me out the car and to his room. I hear his two younger siblings playing the game in their huge living room. He leads me to go up the stairs first, smacking my butt. We go to his room way in the back of the house. His room smells so good, he's like a grown man already, I don't know why he doesn't act like it. His room is so big. He closes the door behind us. He grabs my jacket and my purse, he walks the over to a chair. He takes his shirt off and puts it on top of my stuff. "Come sit on the bed baby, you know I'm not asking twice." He turns the light in his room to blue. I never seen anything like this. I walk over to the bed over by him, he grabs my hand and sits me next to him. He rubs up and down my leg, he works his way in between my legs, he kisses my neck, I throw my head back. He pulls my skirt down. "Take your shirt off." "Miguel I told you I'm not having sex with you, especially after the story I just told you." He looks at me, determined. "Chasity." "Miguel." He grabs my top and pulls it over my head. He pushes me till I fall into the bed. This bed is so comfortable and big. The view from his window is amazing. He opens my legs and pushes them back. I push them forward, he pushes them back harder. "Leave your legs just like that Chasity, I promise you won't regret it." He kisses on my thighs down to my feet back to my inner thigh. He kisses on my clit through my panties, he grabs my panties with his teeth taking them off. He now kisses my bare, exposed clit making me jump. He looks up at me and smiles seductively. He soft, wet, juicy tongue comes out hitting my navel making me quiver, he licks on my navel like it's candy, closing his eyes and getting comfortable. He gets all into it. This is my first time ever getting my vagina pleased like this. I feel an intense rush flowing through my body, it feels like electricity in my veins. I grab his head pushing it into my vagina. "You taste so good baby, I don't know why you hide this pussy from me." He continues to lick my navel up and down so slowly and soft. He brings me to my climax and I cum all into his mouth. He gets up with my cum dripping from his lips and chin. He lays next to me, looking me into my face and kissing me, putting his tongue into my mouth, grabbing a handful of my butt. "Miguel." I feel so flustered but at the same time I feel so good. "Yes baby girl." He grabs my leg putting it on top of him and rubbing on my butt. "Miguel I don't wanna have sex." "Yes you do, but I just wanna make you feel good so I'll wait till you come to me. I know you wanna cum like that again."

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