New beginning's part 1

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1 moon later Milo was on his way to meet up with Ocean fur, Dotted paw, and their clan leader. "Milo!" Dotted paw Said happily, "hi Dotted paw" Milo reaplyed. Milo then notest their were two other cat's at the edge of the tree line. "Hi Ocean fur" greated Milo, Ocean fur noded her hed then sat down, next to her was a dark blue male who also sat down. "Hello kitty pet, eh...i mean Milo how are you? Asked the blue male, " I'm good" Milo reaplyed, "good now I want you to show me your fighting skills by fighting Dotted paw" demand the male. Milo and Dotted paw got ready to fight in tje small clearing, "start wen I say now" said the male. Milo exsamend Dotted paw predicting his atack, "NOW!" Yelled the male. Milo and Dotted paw sprig into action Dotted paw went straight for Milo's neck, Milo dodged and scratched Dotted paws flank drawing blud. "RARW!!!" Dotted paw hissed then agen went for Milo's neck but Milo agen dodged, Dotted paw managed to scratch Milo's shoulder but then he ran into a tree and nearly past out from impact. "Are you ok!?" Milo asked Dotted paw concerned, "y..yah" Dotted paw anserd. Ocean fur and the blue male walk over the Milo and Dotted paw, "good job you surely would make a good worrior" complimented the male. " thanks um..." Milo said, "ow yes I'm Apple star the leader of thunder clan" informed the blue male known as Apple star. "Ow ok Apple star...i have decided that I will join thunder clan with you as my leader" said Milo, "Good follow us to your new home" Apple star said wile flicking his tail making the others follow, as they ran threw the forest they slow their paist to a walk as they approach a clearing. "Milo you follow me up that rock, Ocean fur find Brindle heart and tell her to call a meeting" commanded Apple star. "Yes Apple star, Dotted paw go sit under the high rock" said Ocean fur, Dotted paw nodes then do's as asked.

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