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Alice's POV:

"Mommy when will Daddy be home?" Alfie asks whilst looking out the window

"He will soon buddy, it's just taking longer cause of the snow"

"Ok, can I play in the snow?"

"You've played all day in it"

"But I want to play more".

"You can another time, it's cold and you already had your bath"

"Ok" he smiles and go to play with Diego

I go to the kitchen to make sure the cookies are cooled down finally. I get Alfie to wash his hands then I let him watch a movie with some cookies.

Michael's POV:

So we made the mistake every parents make at least once, not buying a toy thinking it will be ok if you don't get it but then turns out they desperately want it. Alfie wants one of those cars, you know the little red and yellow ones you sit inside and drive around in. Now they have a variety of colours and designs, wish we had this variety of choice growing up. I eventually find the safari one he wants and I notice the new inflatable mini bouncy castle so I get that as well. I go to pay, had to wait 30 minutes but I'm finally out of that place.

"Daddy, you're home" Alfie smiles as I pick him up

"Yeah buddy, shouldn't you be getting ready for bed now?"

"I'm already in my pjs silly"

I smile and he gives me a kiss then I put him back down. I sit next to Alice and gives her a kiss. "You get it?"

"Yep, and something else too"

"Ok" she smiles

1hr 30mins later

"Daddy no, that's for Rudolf and Santa. Bad Daddy" Alfie says whilst tapping my leg

"We got more to give them" I reply whilst eating my cookie, I hold the tin down and he picks out another one placing it on the table next to the milk and carrot.

"Come on little one, you need to go to bed or Santa won't be coming here tonight" Alice smiles picking him up

"Can I have the monkey story?" he smiles

"Yes, now say night to Daddy"

"Night Daddy, I love you"

"I love you too" I smile and give him a kiss, as soon as Alice gets upstairs I go outside and get the things from the car. Alice comes down and looks at the bouncy castle and smirk

"You know you're too big for it right?"

"I know, I thought it was a nice present for him. You remember when there was just the red and yellow designs of these cars?"

"Yeah, they brought the pink and white ones out around when Emma was old enough so I had a go in it but got stuck"

I chuckle as I help her put wrapping paper around the car "you would've been what? 10? 11?"

"I was 10, I think Mom has a photo of it in one of the many albums. Did you have one?"

"Yeah, I think every kid did growing up."

Once we're completed it and started bringing the presents from the garage to put under the tree the horrible sound of my phone goes off. I answer to find it's Ben on the other end, Christmas Eve and I have to go out on business. Man this job is horrible when you're a family man.

"Babe I gotta go to work"

"Seriously? It's Christmas eve"

"I'm sorry, I'll try to not be too late"

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