Chapter one: Meeting

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Donar POV:
"So, today is the day huh?" said Hiccup as he stood with the gang, his mother and I in the Great Hall on new Berk.
It had been years since the event of Grimmle and the hidden world, and a lot had changed.
Just like Hiccup who became a chief, toothless also became the king of the hidden world with the light fury being his mate, but he still stayed with Hiccup and went to the hidden world from time to time. The light fury and him had 3 children, Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner. Hiccup and Astrid got married and now have 2 kids, a blond boy with green eyes named Nuffik and a brown-haired girl with blue eyes named Zephyr. Snoutlout had (finally) stopped hitting and both Astrid and Ruffnut. That's the good news, the bad news is that he now hits on Valka, Hiccup's mother, who turned out to be alive and had been living with the dragons for 20 years.
Tuffnut, for everyone's surprise who thought that would never happen, actually got married.
Who did he marry? Well, she is a girl, same age as us, from the Clairsons tribe. Her name is Rose, and she is actually Heather and Dagur's far cousin. She got raven black hair with a side braid and jade-green eyes.
As I was deep in thought, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking at the person, I saw Rain. A brown-haired girl with light green eyes. We met during my time as The Phantom. And now, we are married as well.
Well, a lot had happened in the past years, and if I keep talking about it, we will never get to what is happening right now.
3rd Person POV:
As everyone moved towards New Berk's docks. Hiccup was getting ready to pack up and go, when Toothless began to nudge him.
"Sorry, Toothless but we can't fly there. The other Chiefs are not used to..." as he turned around. Moving his hand, gesturing to the dragons "this" he continued before turning back to toothless and rubbing the scales on his head "But don't worry, you will be hidden under the deck of the ship"
"As will Stormfly"
Astrid said as she walked to the ship with Donar, Rose, Rain, Valka and the gang.
"What are you guys all doing here? This is chiefs meeting" Hiccup said as he raised an eyebrow while looking at everyone.
"You didn't think that some of us would let you attend the meeting without us going with you now did you?" Donar asked as he crossed his arms and looked at hiccup with a smile on his features.
"Besides, I thought you learned about putting your foot down when it comes to me" Astrid smirked as she placed her hands on her hips.
Hiccup shivered from the memory before sighing in defeat "Fine, but I can't take all of you"
"We know, Hiccup. That's why I personally chose who can come"
Valka said as she stepped on the ship while Hiccup raised an eyebrow at her.
"That would be me, Rain, Rose, Astrid and Valka. Can't let you go to a chief meeting without your brother now?" Donar smirked while getting on the ship along with the chosen ones.
"Yeah, and your other 'brother' is there as well. That's actually the reason why I chose Rose to come as well" Valka said as Rose nodded, smiling. She was excited to see her cousins. She hasn't seen them in a long time.
Hiccup sighed as he looked at everyone, before mumbling "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
said everyone while they laughed together.
"Since the dragons won't fit on the ship, they will be watching us from above the clouds." Donar said as he looked back at the dragon, causing them to start flapping their wings and fly up as the ship sailed.
Their destination was an island called Grawk. Another stupid named island, but it's perfect place for the meeting. It was unhabituated, never had bad weather, the wild life is mostly tamed and there weren't many dragons. But best of all, it was located in the middle of all the tribes.

After what seemed like forever, the ship finally arrived at the island. As everyone hopped off and tied the ship the docks of the island. Noticing that the ships of the other tribes were already there.
"Are we late?" Hiccup asked as he turned towards everyone else.
"Afraid so. It takes more time to travel by ships than on a dragon's back." Rain said as everyone unloaded their things from the ships, unpacking was pointless now. They needed to get to the meeting, fast! As everyone started running towards the meeting.
Basically, bursting through the large double door, Hiccup shouted "Sorry, We're late!"
He was met by surprised looks from the other tribes' chiefs.
only one thought crossed Hiccup's mind
This is going to be fun, not.

Hey guys, This is my second story. it is based on SoD events, for those of you who don't know, school of dragons is a httyd game and I'm making a story about one of the quests.
let me know what do you guys think in the comments and if there is any way i can make it better! Cya in the next chapter.

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