Chapter 3: back on berk

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The next day after the meeting everyone still got one thought stuck in their mind, how to prepare if the Warlords attack. Hiccup still had to attend more meetings. This time, some meetings will be held in one of the tribes' islands. And Berk was the chosen island for this, considering their history with both the warlords and Stormheart.
"You know" Donar said grabbing Rose and Rain's attention "now that I think about it, I'm surprised the twins haven't burnt down the whole island yesterday with almost every mature civilian of Berk leaving for the event" making Rain laugh a bit while Rose crossed her arms, though she couldn't stop the smile that was forming on her lips.
"Hey, I'll have you know, Tuffnut promised me he would be good and won't burn down anything. Besides, give him a chance. He is trying to become better and more mature." Rose said, earning a snort from both Rain and Donar.
"Well, we are about to find out what they have done with us gone." Donar said, nodding behind Rose, causing both of Rain and Rose to look back. Seeing the twin, or more specifically, Tuffnut, running towards them before jumping on Rose causing both of them to fall to the ground. Ruffnut, seeing they fell, also jumped on them, earning a groan from Rose who was buried under the both of them causing Donar and Rain to wince in empathy for her.
"Alright, guys. I know you missed her, but you are crushing her right now." Rain said as she and Donar helped all of them up.
"Rose! We missed you" Ruffnut said before she was pushed by Tuffnut
"No, I missed her more!"
"No, I did more!"
"Did not!"
"Did to!"
"Did not!"
"Did t-OW!"
"Did no-HEY!"

The two of them were pushing each other back and were about to punch each other before Donar, who got annoyed, grabbed them both by their ears, while Rose were giggling at the scene.
"I thought you were supposed to keep them out of troubles. You said he is getting better" Rain said while looking at Rose, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.
"Key-Word: 'Trying' to be better. Besides, I can only tell him not to. I can't say he will do as I say"
Rose said, still giggling, while looking at Rain.
"Hey! For your information, I have been good. I didn't burn down the whole island or cause any fire on it" Tuffnut said, still having his ear pulled by Donar, pointing his finger at Rain while placing his hand on his hip.
"I don't really believe that, but seeing as there is no sign of ashes or that fire had been going on. I suppose I can say you did a good job, both of you" Donar said, before he let go of their ears.
"Yeah! We only just threw Snot-hmph" Ruffnut said before her brother slammed his hand, covering her mouth. Which, in return, she licked his hand.
"Wait, you threw who?" Rose said, suddenly concerned.
"No one" Tuffnut said with an innocent smile.
"Tuffnut LaVerne Thorston" Rose glared at her husband, causing him to flinch.
Tuffnut had seen a lot of scary things in the world, but none of them scared him like Rose's glare and serious face whenever he is in a big trouble.
"What? It really is nobody, just Snotlout" Tuffnut said, causing the glares he was getting to fade away and instead turning them into thoughtful look.
"You know" Rain said as she looked back at Donar and Rose "He's got a point" she said, causing Donar to cover his lips to stop the laughter from coming out. Though, a snort managed to escape from him.
Rose sighed as she shook her head. However, judging from her expression. She, as well, had troubles not laughing.
"Am I interrupting anything?" a voice said, causing everyone to look for the owner.
It was a girl with wild untamed brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Mel la" Donar nodded in greetings. "Not at all. We were just trying to see if the twin caused any troubles while we were gone"
at that, Mel la groaned, causing the others, minus the twin, to raise an eyebrow.
"If you leave me alone with these two and that muttonhead Snotface again, I will steal all Sparks' fish and tell him you ate it!" she said while placing her hands on her hips causing Donar's eyes to widen in fear before he nodded quickly while the other snickered.
"Hey, you know. This isn't a bad idea for our next prank" Ruffnut whispered in Tuffnut's ear causing him to gain an evil smile.
"No it isn't Nut sis. We shall use it on our next prank" Tuffnut whispered back as the two snickered.
"So, any reason you needed us, Mel la?" Rain asked as she looked at Mel la who mumbled under her breath "wait, why did I need you again?"
Mel la stayed silent for a moment before she said "Oh yeah! Eret wanted to talk to you. He is at the docks. Affi is already there"
Donar raised an eyebrow "Did he say why?" Donar said, confused.
"No, he only said he wanted to tell you something important." Mel la shook her head.
"Well, guys. Let's go then, whatever Eret got to say, It must be important" Rain said as she turned to Donar and Rose.
Donar and Rose nodded before all three whistled, calling for their dragons.
After a second, the sky darkened and thunder cracked. There was a bright glow that was in the dark clouds of the sky before lightning came striking the ground a few feet away from them. Where the lightning had stuck, Sparks stood on his hind legs and roared while another 2 more roars came from the sky as the glow moved towards Sparks.
"I never get tired of seeing this" Rose smiled while walking towards her dragon, titan wing flightmare called Phantom Wing.
"Couldn't have said it better" Rain grinned as all three of them ran towards their dragons and mounted them.
"Coming Mel la?" Donar asked, turning to look at her.
"Of course. Wouldn't want to miss whatever Eret got to say" Mel la nodded as she mounted her dragon, Misty. A shimmering turquoise with a hint of purple details on her wings.
"And want to come Tuff-" Rose turned to talk to the twin only realizing they weren't even there.
Apparently, they took the chance to escape when Mel la start talking.
"Well, there is always next time to know what happened" Rose sighed before all of them flew on their dragons' backs to Eret. Only one thought on their minds
I hope whatever Eret got to say, it would be good news.

Hey guys, chapter 3 is out. i will update the story soon, but this time, i want 3 comments so i post next update. till next time!

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