9 ■ Undercover

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Hi!!!! I'm so sorry this might not be up to date with the show, as I've only finished the 4th season.

TW: Drugs, inhalants, overdose


It was the classes first time going undercover for a real mission. They had practiced before, but nothing as big as this.

Shigaraki was presumed to be at a bar for his successful bombing of a famous restaurant. UA took note of this from some of the heros, and decided to use class 1-A for the job. All they wanted was information, nothing more.

Deku, Mina, Hagakure, and Uraraka dealt with going to the bar, while the others had the technical part. They didn't want too many people at the bar, as it might cause suspicion.

"Deku? Deku?? Deku!" Mina called out.

"Huh? Oh, Mina. Are you almost ready to go in?"

"Of course I am! If you would stop staring at your future girlfriend, that is. Hehe, I know you think she's pretty."

"Mina, please. We're on a mission. Now go get one of Mei's glasses, otherwise they'll be able to see your face."

"Oh, fine. You're no fun!" Mina walked over to Uraraka, as Deku set the glasses in place. As he did, he could feel the clothing om his body change. Along with the wig and makeup, Deku no longer looked like a teen.

"Deku! Are you ready yet? We've only got about five minutes." Uraraka called out.

Deku stood still for a second, admiring her clothes and makeup. She still looked familiar, but not enough for the villans. So, she was as beautiful as ever.

"Deku. Are you okay? Mina told me you blanked out before too." Uraraka had a worried look on her face, waving him back to reality.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Totally fine." Deku muttered back, looking away.

"You know everyone's undercover names? I don't want you to blank out again during the mission."

"Of course, I have them engraved into my brain by now, you're Aoi, Mina is Yui.... and I'm..."

"Dai. Deku, maybe you aren't set for this." Uraraka finished his sentence.

"No, nono. I'm ready, ok? I'm sorry. I'll remember for next time."

"You better... I really don't want anything to go wrong. This is a huge job, Deku." Uraraka stared into his eyes with deep concern, only for Deku to walk away and peek over the side of the wall. Uraraka sighed and walked next to him, where Mina and Hagakure were also peeking over. Hagakure was going to sneak in the back and let the others up through the roof which wasn't guarded.

"Ok! When you hear the code word on the ear bud, come climb up." Hagakure didn't seem to have any stress on her at all; almost happy to do this mission.


After some time, Hagakure whispered the code through our buds and we came in.

"Daiii. Dai. Dai!" Mina yelled, acting drunk.

"What the hell do you want, Yui?" Deku yelled back, as to seem that they had already been in the party.

"I heard from a little birdie that Aoi was looking for a boyfriend!!! Yoouu should tootallyyy go seee heerr!!!" Mina walked away drunkenly, and Deku stood there for a couple seconds before realizing that this was all just an act. 

Deku speaks to himself, "Yeah. Yeah. Just an act. Right?" He had a confused look on his face, before realizing how stupid he looked standing there. He ruffled up his suit, and went to sit down next to Shigaraki, where Uraraka was already sitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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