7 ■ The Figure

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"Ochako! We have to get going! I'll see you later, kiddo!"

And so Uraraka was left alone for the entire day, with nothing to do, and nobody to talk to.

Suddenly, Urarakas' phone rang, and she went to pick it up.

"Hey, Uraraka here, what's up?"

"Oh good! You called back. I kinda need help finding this All Might figure. Could you help me? It is pretty expensive, but I want to at least find it. I-I mean, only if you don't have anything else to do, of course." Deku realized he would start rambling, but caught himself.

Uraraka looked at the clock. It was the weekend, after all, and her parents were still working around the clock. Why not have some fun with her crush?

"...Yeah! Sure."

"I bet we should look on Ebay first, they always have limited stuff there."

And so the search started. They spent a while on Ebay, Amazon, all sorts of websites. But they just couldn't find it.

"Ugh... it's no use! I can't find it anywhere and neither can you. I guess it really was limited..."

From her flip phone, Uraraka could hear the sadness in his voice, and she was determined to find it.

"Well, I have to go now, my mom is back! It... was really nice talking to you. Thank you." Deku blushed, knowing that Uraraka couldn't see, and then he hung up.

"C'mon, Ochako... don't do this just because you like a boy! You should be studying, even during break..."

Uraraka rolled her chair back and brushed her fingers through her hair, and bumped into the wall.

Circled in bright red, was Deku's birthday. Uraraka still hadn't bought him a gift, as most things that he liked were very expensive. She wanted it to be... special.

And so, without a second thought, Uraraka went back on her laptop and started working to find the figure yet again.


It was midnight. Uraraka had been searching for hours on end, and she had school tomorrow, too. But she wanted to find it.

And she did.

"Oh. My. God. I found it! Yes!" Uraraka yelled, relieved that she had finally found what she was looking for.

"Now... where is it... Ah! It is at the ship nearby our school! I'll go pick it up tomorrow..."

Uraraka sighed, and laid down on her bed. She knew she loved Deku. She always had. She just.... couldn't admit it. Not now.

It was daytime, yet again. Uraraka woke up early to get the figure, and hugged her parents goodbye, who were both very tired.

"I love you, mom! Love you too, dad!"

And so she went off, backpack on her, to find the figure.


There it was. The figure. But its price... woah.

"Uh.... that is, like, everything. My entire allowance for the past three years. Years..."

Uraraka was at a loss for words. Did she really want to spend that much money for Deku? She hesitated to even look at it, but she wanted it for him, so horribly bad.

Uraraka grabbed the All Might figure, and ran to the cashier.

"That'll be 100,000 yen. Sure you have that, kid?"

"...Yup. Here you go!"

She handed him the money, and ran off to school.

"U-Uraraka! Hey! Good morning."

"H-hi... uh...Happy Birthday!"


She was blushing uncontrollably, as she did not think through about how to give it to him.

"I know it is your birthday and all, so I wanted to give you something... special."

She took the figure out of her pocket, and handed it to him.

"U-Uraraka... how! Didn't we find all day looking for this?

"Well.. I um... I dug deeper into the web and found it. It took only a little b-bit, though! So don't worry."

"Wow... Uraraka... I don't know even how to thank you! Y-you are amazing..." Deku ended up mumbling the last words, but Uraraka seemed to make it out.

"I... I got this just for you."

And she was right. She spent all her money, and her whole night for him. So why did she want something back? It was like she was being greedy.


"Y-yes, Deku?"

"Can... I... k-kiss you- Ah! I'm so sorry, I am so dumb, please forget I said that-"

Uraraka knew why she was being greedy. She wanted... Deku.

And so, she pecked him on the cheek and ran away without looking back. Because they both knew, that they loved eachother more than anything.

NHDOSNSOSKKFJOSKX ITS 1AM H E H E so basically I wanted to do more fluff, but dont worry angst will be coming ur way soon!! also I'm v sorry for not updating this,,, online schooling is kinda taking over me. I'm sorry!! I will be sure to update this a lot more when the time comes. but for now, bye!! love u ♡

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