2 ■ Dreams

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Well... dreams. It is 2am after all, why not make it about what I'm never going to do, dream?


I was unbelievably tired. Of course, I had gone into a deep sleep, followed by dreams. Mostly, calm ones.

But one stuck out. A brown, short haired girl who's brown eyes shined in the bright light coming from wherever. Where? I couldn't tell. But I knew it came from her.

Her bright light that brightened my day, only came from one person. Uraraka. She lit up my dark times like no other, even in my worst moments. She was truly the one to be there for me. But I was always the fool to back away from her because I thought of her as just another girl who I had grown close to.

"I talked to a girl!"

"I talked to a girl on the phone!"

It really hurt her, hadn't it. I had realized the mistake I made once I really started falling for the true her. I knew what her feelings were to me for the longest time. The blush, the hanging around me, all of it. I never took it seriously. That was my biggest mistake.

I went up to the figure of Uraraka, but she didn't talk to me. Rather, she created more and more light. It was becoming pink, in a way, with cherry blossoms falling.

Suddenly, she looked at me sincerely.

"Tell her, Deku."

I knew this bright light in my life had turned into love, but what if I hurt her? What if she declines? What if she hates me?

The light consumed me, and then the cherry blossoms formed into a heart. Inside it, was Uraraka.

It was clear now. I had to tell her how I felt. This dream had made up my mind. Uraraka was the person who mattered to me most, and I had to tell her before she moved on. I don't want to lose her, at all, so it is time to prevent that. No matter what happens, I will definitely know that she loves me, and I love her.

My alarm ends up waking me, and I get as best dressed as I can for a school day, and walk out my door to see Uraraka handing me a note with a heart on it.

I smiled at her, and opened it up.

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