I - Prologue

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In a lab far away, a project was connected to a bunch of wires. His eyes were shut; there was a computer there which was processing a load of information. This information was being processed into the beings brain, like how to speak, who he was and all information on the Z-Fighters. Though, this information was outdated.

It also told him his instructions from his creator: Kill Son Goku. It told him who his creator was: Doctor Gero. The male's eyes would open, showing his silvery eyes. He had white hair with two pieces of black hair near the top in the middle of his hair with his hair near the the bottom spiking downwards; he had two tiny black spikes on his chin. He wasn't wearing anything at the moment, and sported a tail, soon being released from the wires as they retracted.

There was some clothing on the side, a green set of clothes. The man would pick them up, putting them on. It fitted him, a perfect fit, in fact. He didn't mind the clothing, as he would start to kick forwards multiple times and then punch the air a bit, practicing his strength and his martial arts a bit that we're transferred to his eyes.

"Hello,  Project: Xicor. My name is Doctor Gero, and this is a prerecorded message."

Xicor would turn towards the computer with a calm stare, listening to every word with some interest.

"I believe that my computer has inputted information into your brain. Your goal is to kill the man whose name is Son Goku, you are the combination of Goku and Frieza's DNA, but I have made you look more like a Saiyan. In fact, you are the Son of Goku, brother of the hybrid Saiyan whose name is Gohan and the son of the human woman named Chi-Chi."

Xicor seemed a bit surprised, looking at his hand as he closed his eyes. Doctor Gero would soon finish, seeing as his message wasn't intending to be long.

"Now, Xicor, you must go and track down Son Goku. You may have to fight his friends, so you must be careful."

And with that, the message ended. Xicor would open his eyes, ascending from his lab as he would try to sense Goku's Ki, though he couldn't find it. He sensed many others though, he didn't recognise any of them but they were high so it must have been the Z-Fighters' Ki. Let's see who would arrive first.

Xicor would put his arms up a bit, entering a powering-up stance and then gritting his teeth. A vein would pop out of his head as he would begin to show off his power. A certain Saiyan would feel this Ki while writing, widening his eyes before turning his head towards it.

"Hey, I need to go for a second..."

The male said, as the female near him looking at him with a bit of worry.

"Gohan, what's wrong?"

She asked, this obviously being the wife of Gohan, whose name was Videl, holding Baby Pan in her arms. The hybrid Saiyan would fly into the air, dashing towards the energy he just sensed as then Piccolo would fly near him as well. The Namekian would turn to Gohan as he would speak.

"Did you sense that energy?"

He asked as the hybrid nodded, a drop of sweat coming from his head.

"Y-Yeah...It seemed so familiar...Like dads..."

He spoke as Piccolo seemingly agreed, but it sensed like something too...something malevolent. VERY malevolent.

"It also sensed like Frieza too..."

Gohan nodded as they flew on towards Xicor, who was able to sense their energies coming towards him at amazing speeds.

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