Chapter 14

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QOTD: What is your favorite song right now?

AOTD: The A Team by Ed Sheeran ❤️


Annabeth's POV

It's been weeks after our date. It was great for us to have a little time off. Piper and Thalia were with me today, we were working individually. Piper was making her new clothing line, Thalia was doing her 'thing' with electric engineering, she was planning to make an electronic device that was cool and unique.

I was making blueprints for my new project, my boss gave me this project to build a new building for our company. It was weird but i accepted it anyway. "Gods i'm hungry." Thalia groaned, "you my dear, are always hungry." Piper teased and Thalia threw her a crumpled blue print.

"Ugh hey!" She retorted. I laughed at their silliness. "Okay i'll order something to eat." I said and took my phone to order pizza's and onion rings.

Where's Percy you ask? He's with the boy's doing gods know's what. He told me that Jason, Leo, and him will be going on a baseball game so i agreed to it that they go watch and we work at the apartment.

After ordering our foods, there was a doorbell, "i'll get it!" Piper yelled from the kitchen where she took her water and run to the door. "Hey girls!" Two feminine voices screeched when they entered the living room. I looked up and it was Juniper and Katie dressed all casual and holding bags of ice cream and a cake.

"What is this a slumber party?" Thalia said clearly irritated by people because she was working. Katie rolled her eyes and smiled at us. "Oh stop Thalia! We came here because you gals are working hard today so Juniper and i thought about bringing something for your stress!" Katie said and waved her hand dismissively on Thalia's grunting.

"Well good thing you brought cake because i am starving!" Thalia said and took the container of cake from Junipers hand. "Hey!!" She screeched.

Everyone of us sat on a circle at the carpeted floor in the living room. We took a break and as soon as our food was here we ate and talked about things like, how poor Percy and i was according to Thalia 'cause our refrigerator was empty, how Piper wanted to travel to Maldives, how Juniper and Grover wanted to go back at camp half-blood, how Thalia was still hungry, and how Katie was mad about Travis for not putting the sit up early in the morning, and how my date with Percy was.

"So do you think he'll be proposing to you?" Piper asked out of no where. I tensed a bit because that was a serious subject for me. And i have no idea if he will, i haven't thought of that topic.

"I don't know.." I said blushing.

They laughed, "Annabeth, sweetie, Percy's a great guy and i bet he'll do the move so we could be your bride maids!" Katie suggested and they shrieked. Of course, except Thalia.

"Oh...i don't know i mean, yeah but we've only been dating for a month and we've been friends for years but still. It's too early. And i'm only in my 20's, there's more things that are important than to get married early. You know?" I answered.

It's not that i don't want to get married, it's just too early and as i said, i'm only in my 20's and i don't want to rush things, i would want to treasure every moment i have with Percy as my boyfriend.

"Okay we understand." Thalia said with her reassuring smile. I smiled back and sighed.

After eating us girls continued to work for another 4 hours until it was 10 in the evening. "Ugh! This is so stressing me out. But thank gods i'm half done!" Piper exclaimed as she stretched her arms out. "Me too. This is giving me a headache." Thalia said and massaged the sides of her head.

"Well thank gods i'm finally done. So see you guys tomorrow?" I asked as they fixed their things. "Yup!" They said. They left the apartment and i fixed everything that was scattered in the apartment.

I heard the doorbell rang and went to open the door to reveal my handsome man who was smiling.

"Hey Wise girl." He greets and kisses my cheek. "Hey. So how was the baseball game?" I asked taking off of his coat.

"It was great." He said not too energetic though. It was weird since he loves baseball and this is the first time i saw him not happy with the outcome of the game. Maybe his favorite team lost?

"Oh, well, there's pizza on the counter and some ice cream at the fridge. I could microwave you a slice?" I offered as we sat on the coach.

He shook his head and lied down on my lap. He was tired i get it.

He was pale too. I wonder what's gotten in to him. "What's wrong?" I asked cupping his face.

"Nothing, i'm just sleepy." He answered and closed his tired eyes. "Okay, sleep seaweed brain. I don't mind. I love you." I said and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I live for you Annabeth." He replied and that gave me a smile. His breathing was steady and a smile was formed in his lips while sleeping. I gently removed his head on my lap and replaced it with a soft pillow. I took an extra blanket from our room and covered it in his tired body before removing his jeans and jacket for him to feel comfortable while sleeping.

I look like a wife.

I thought and giggled quietly.

Maybe i might be a good wife for Percy.

I stared at his face for a little while and saw that he had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was having little white hairs in it. He was a bit thinner than usual but all this imperfections was nothing to me.

Because all this imperfections was the reason why i fell for him, all his flaws were the reason why i fell for him even harder.

And all i could think about before i slept was, i love the man sleeping on the couch.


Awww. There'll be changes in the flow of this story so i hope you get why Percy was tired and pale.

SO! Reviews? Comments below?

-Patty xx

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