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Fives pov

"Come on let's get you to your first class" julie says

"Julie quick thing, I've never even learnt anything from school, I've never been to school, I've never been homeschooled" I say

"It OK we'll tell you teacher that I gave you private lessons" julie says making me feel better

"OK what lesson do we have??" I ask knowing that we have all the same lessons that day

"Maths and then history" julie says reminding me of the day

"OK boring, boring, boring. Let's just get this over with" I says

"OK let's go" Julie says walking away from the music room

*time skip until after school*

"Come on" julie says walking up the stairs grabbing my hand

"Um julie?" I say as we walk in the room seeing the 3 ghost on her bed

"What are you guys doing In my room" julie says looking up from the floor

"We were looking for the kitchen" luke lies

"This... this can not happen. It creepy" julie says pointing her finger "get of my be please" she says to reggie

"Yeah reggie move" I say taking his spot on the bed

"Oh how come he gets to stay on the bed and I can't" reggie whines

"Because he sleeps in here and you don't" julie says making me smile at her

"Hey julie" luke says raising his hand "what's in the box"

"That's off limits" julie says

"Oh. Oh. OK." Luke says laughing "girl stuff"

"Oh like butterfly's and glitter?" Reggie says

"Oh come on" Alex says "I'm so sorry about them"

"It's none of you business. And yes there might be some glitter" julie says making reggie smile

"Hey, I picked something up" Alex says bringing a picture frame over to the bed "I dropped it"

"That's your mom right" I say

"Yes it is five, and it my favourite picture of you so if you break it I'll break you" she says directing the comment to the ghosts

"We're pretty much unbreakable at this point so" Alex says bragging

"I think she will find a way to break you and I'll help her by getting my brother klaus that can see, talk and touch ghosts to break you because he did that with my dead brother ben" I says smiling sarcastically at him

"That's a lie right?" Alex says

"You keep telling your self that" I say

"I don't get it you guys can mess up my bed pick up your instruments but you can't pick up other stuff?" Julie says really confused

"I know right, it's hard" luke says scrunching up his face "but for some reason our instruments easy"

"Yeah like super easy, check this out" reggie says teleporting a electric guitar on top of him making him lay down

"Oh yeah super easy" julie says sarcastically making me laugh

"It's like what I always thought, our instruments are connected to our souls" luke says smiling like a dork

"Hey" Ray says knocking on the door scaring both me and julie "everything OK"

"Yeah" Julie says

"Yep everything's cool" I say

"I thought I heard you talking to some one other than five" Ray says pointing at me

"Nope must've been my laptop... that I just closed" julie says pointing at her laptop

"Ok" Ray says chuckling lightly "if you guys need anything"

Ray pointed at the door seeing if we wanted it shut

"Yeah. Thanks." Julie says

"No funny business" rays says


"Ray!" Me and Julie says at the same time

"Your dad seems like the kind of guy that likes to barbecue. I bet he has a great ribs recipe" reggie says

"I don't know but if you guys want to talk to me it had to be in the garage. He's worried about me enough as it is" julie says pointing at the door

"He seems chill you should tell him about us" luke says

"This past yeah every one has been watching over me being super nice as I'd they are waiting for me to snap. If I tell my dad I met a ghost band I'll be back to talking to Dr Taylor 3 times a week" julie says making me frown

"Yeah it probably not a good idea to tell your dad" luke says

"You think?" I say

"Julie..." luke says

"Oh my gosh. I thought I told you to forget about that"

"I know you should have just said nothing because now I can't stop thinking about it so... julie what's in the box" luke says

"It's just my dream box ok" julie says "when ever I get a thought I Write it down and get it out of my mind"

"Hey one of my sisters used to do that" I say

"Like lyrics? And how many siblings have you got five?" Luke says

"They would be if I still wrote like I used to with my mom now it's just full of stuff that doesn't make me sad" she said

"But I mean you do play we heard you this morning with five" Alex says making luke hit him

"In the garage" I say

"So you were there too" julie says

"Uh... I don't... ugh... he was Like... we were some where" reggue and Alex say in high pitched voice at the same time

"So how many siblings you got hen five" luke says

"Well six but our father called by number" I say

"What we're they?" He asked me again

"OK. Number one Luther. Number two Diego. Number three allison. Number four klaus. Number five me. Number six ben. Number seven vanya" I say

"Do they all have powers like you" julie asked

"Yeah were all born on the same day our father adopted us and trained us. Luther has super strength. Diego has the power to manipulate any weapon like bullets and knifes. Allison and rumor any one she wants. Klaus can talk to the dead. I can time travel. Ben can have any animal In his chest and use it at a weapon. And vanya is a human bomb she created the apocalypse" i says

"When we're you born" Alex says

"1989" I say

"Wow your old" luke says "so where is your kitchen but the way"

"Okay we need to set some boundaries, for starters stay out of my room" julie says making all if them leave except five

"Hey um sorry didn't mean to bother you so um did you get back into your music program?" Alex asked

"No I didn't" julie says looking up from her picture frame

"I'm sorry. That really sucks" Alex says

"Thanks. Is that it" julie says

"Yeah. Um this is awkward" Alex says before leaving

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