ghost band ideas

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"Yeah let's go get some food" julie said

"Yes I'm starving" I say going with her down the stairs

"Ahh, I'm never going to get used to that" julie says noticing that luke was in the kitchen looking in the fridge "do you guys even eat?"

"I just wanna see what'cha got" luke says as julie gets something out of the fridge and shut the door "Hey you know how long it took me to open that"

"Sorry she doesn't believe in wasting power" I say backing her up

"Good that exactly what I wanted to talk to you about" luke says

"Our power usage" julie asked confused

"No, the power the two of you have together" luke says pointing at both of us "your voice. Your piano playing. Dude you two are like human wrecking balls"

"Is this a pep talk" I ask for both Of us

"What I saying is you have the power to move people" luke says "to knock them off their feet. And there is no way your teachers wouldn't let you back into school. If they heard you play like that"

"I asked her she said I have to wait until next semester" julie said

"That was your first mistake, asking. Sunset curve booked gigs by doing. We went into ambush mode" luke said "we played I front of clubs. We played in back of clubs, we even played book clubs"

"Book clubs?" Julie said

"Jule have you got any marshmallows" I asked

"Yeah why?" Julie asked back

"Can you put them on my sandwich instead of jam?" I ask "please"

"Yeah sure but you have to let's me taste it" julie said

"Yeah whatever" I said making her smile

"We didn't get many gigs out of the book clubs but they did have some gnarly snacks" luke says "I'm just saying, don't ask for permission swing that wrecking ball of talent at your teachers head and smash those stupid rules right out of their brains"

"This isn't a club this is school and your plans sounds violent" julie says making her way over to the Cupboard qere luke was

"It's a closed door and you gotta bust it open" luke says putting his head the the door and julie sighs "Sorry, once I start with the metaphors I can't stop. I learnt that in book club"

"There not just going to let me back in" julie says walking right through luke

"Yes they with because if they don't I'll kill them. With a butter knife" I say picking up the knife that was on the counter. Julie then walks over to me and takes it out of my hand

"Look if getting back into music is what you want then you gotta go for it" luke says "learn from me. Your tainted hot dog could be right around the corner"

"Eww luke" I say

"I don't even have anything prepared" julie said

"I'd thought you'd say that" luke says pulling out a peice of paper from his pocket "it's called bright. It's a sunset curve song i wrote we never got to recored but it's perfect for your range check out the chorus for a second if you add a little bit of piano I'm telling you. Five get over here" he says as I walk over to them "your eyes through the night you and I we will fight to shine together, bright for ever"

"And rise through the night, you and I we will fight to shine together" me and julue sang at the same time

"And go up high" luke said raising his arms

"Bright forever" me julie and luke sang in harmony

"Thanks" julie said to luke making him nod at her "oi five give me a bite of that" she says chasing me

"OK, OK, fine here" I say giving her a bite

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