Review #1 High boi

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Ok I would like to start out with a funny YouTuber names 'High boi'. High boi is a review channel that reviews movies and talks some shit about it. He is very funny and talks about opinions that makes the video funnier.

For example, he gave off some points about the movie 'The Invisible Man'. He once stated that when the guy, who wearing an invisible suit, got dunked with a bucket of paint, he washed off by the sink. Not the shower, The sink! And I agreed with him by how the fuck did the guy clean all that paint off with a sink!

But anyway, he reviews random movies just for the fun of it and also does a stupid point system where he just compares nonsensical things to the video. Like 2 cobras out of 12 burritos. I don't know why but he does it.

So I hope you guys would look at his channel and have a good laugh there. Anyway see you in the next chapter.

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