Chapter 5

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As (Y/N) stepped down the first step and took Gojo's hand, she also stepped through the protective barrier. A shiver ran from her fingertips through her whole body.

The limitless user tilted his head in wonder but said nothing about it. Instead, he began to explain some things to her, not realizing that the woman was lost in her own thoughts.

'I wonder if those buildings we can see from the school are really that big as they look. But they can't be... Can they? And what about all those lights at night? How can they lighten so many candles... Hum, they probably are the same as the glowing orbs that they have here. I think they call them lamps?'

She barely took notice of what Gojo was saying next to her while she daydreamed.

'Shoot, what is he saying?'

"... for you to be free, you need to be able to blend in."

(Y/N) was too proud to admit she wasn't listening, not to mention that it would be a sign of weakness to ask someone to repeat themselves. The best thing would be to make some comments to look like she had been listening.

"So I just need to learn as much as I can about the culture nowadays."

"That's what I just said."

"I know, I was just summarizing." She said with a poker face.

"You didn't hear a damn thing I said, right?"

She felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Maybe not..."

He smiled triumphantly. Petting her head he said. "It's okay, I can imagine how excited you are right now."

His pet on her head and the way he talked made her feel like a little girl, and she didn't like that. So she sulked. But soon that was forgotten...

As they continued their way down the stairs, the trees ended leaving the view open over the city. A road came next with heavy traffic.

"Those are called cars. They substituted the carriages. They are a great invention, but they have become a problem because of how much they pollute."

And so they entered the city. Satoru kept explaining things while (Y/N) listened this time. As they came closer to the center, her mind was overflowing with information, her mouth wide open in amazement.

"Wow..." She said as she stared up the tall buildings. "They almost touch the sky."

Satoru was delighted with all the expressions the woman made. He was having fun going after her as he let her decide where they should go.

"What is this? It smells so good!"

The air was filled with different smells since it was already lunchtime. But what (Y/N) was looking at was into a pizzeria.

"Do you want to try out?"

He could almost see her drool as she shook her head 'yes'. He opened the door for her and motioned for her to enter.

"Then let 's try."

Sometime later, (Y/N) was taking her first bite of the baked dough. She was hesitant to pick it up with her hand, but after Gojo's insistence and seeing the other peoples eating with their hands too, she gave in. The different flavors quickly filled her mouth. The taste was foreign but very pleasant. Almost forgetting her manners, she devoured her pizza slice.

"Do you like this?"

"Yes, this is just amazing."

"Then let's try other things."

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