Chapter 7

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Although being told to keep resting, (Y/N) preferred to go back to her room at the school so she could wash up, but she encountered some resistance...

"You want to go? Why? I was having so much fun pretending I have a roommate. You can wash up here. Mei Mei has given you some clothes, so you can change."

(Y/N) continued to have some trouble understanding Gojo, not only what he talked about, but also his motives. One thing she knew though, he wouldn't change his mind, and without him, she wasn't able to find the way back.


A while later, she let the lukewarm water relax her muscles while the warmth did wonders to her headache. So, her mind began to wander.

Only by seeing so little of this new world, she was fascinated, almost overwhelmed, but she wanted to learn more... But then there was her quest, the reason why she was there in the first place. Sukuna...

Was she able to kill him once and for all now? Not in her current condition, that was sure. She hadn't tried to cast a curse yet, unsure if her body would handle it. But even if she could, she was sure Gojo would defend Yuji.

'Poor boy.' She didn't want to hurt an innocent boy, but Sukuna couldn't be allowed to get free again.

She sank deeper down, letting the water cover her face while suspending her breathing. Underwater the sounds were all muffled. That was maybe the worst part of this time, the endless, seemingly omnipresent noise. So she rejoiced in the quietude of the underwater world she was currently in.

'Was it right for me to curse myself? I'm here, living in a completely foreign world to me, while everyone I once knew died a long time ago. In one moment I was on the battlefield dying, then, when I opened my eyes, I was here... Where was I during that time?'

She tried to remember, but no images could be recalled, only a feeling, a feeling of peace and happiness. Wherever she had been, she was happy there.

Her lungs began to protest because of the lack of oxygen, but as (Y/N)'s overused senses were dulled, she almost didn't notice it, until a rhythmic sound caught her attention. She emerged from the water, but not before her reflexes made her inhale water.

Gojo had been knocking on the door to tell the sorceress she should haste or else the food would get cold, but when she didn't answer, he was beginning to worry. Conflicted, he weighed his options. Should he keep her privacy or spy through the door to see if everything was alright? All his thoughts were gone when he heard her coughing while trying to catch her breath. He immediately burst open the door and saw (Y/N) still coughing in the bathtub.

Kneeling down and patting her back, he tried his best to ignore the fact she was naked. "Hey, are you alright? What happened?"

Once the woman caught her breath, she became aware of the man right next to her. "What are you doing here? Get out!"

She splashed some water at him, but somehow it didn't reach him.

Seeing that she was alright, Satoru turned around. He didn't know what happened or what the woman was trying to do. He would question her later. For now, he acted as if nothing had happened.

"Sheesh, here I was worried about you and you just yelled at me. Anyway, I'm almost done cooking, so hurry up if you don't want to eat the food cold."

Ignoring what just happened, she wondered if his cooking was any good, but the smell that had come into the bathroom did smell delicious. Forcing her existential doubts aside, she got out of the bath and began to dry herself.

When she got to the kitchen, Gojo was by the stove with his back to her, giving her a chance to study him. He had some baggy clothes on and was barefoot. His hair was down without his blindfold. She hasn't seen his eyes though, because of the dark glasses he kept on.

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