My Anxiety

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My anxiety sits in a corner,
Where did she go?
Falling off my eyes,
Making me sober, what didn't I know?
My heart is melting in this boiling anger,
So is my soul.
Yet, I'm curious what might cause this fever.
Creepy me, lonely me.
Sitting in the cold darkness.

My anxiety sits in a corner,
As I hear the sad hours hop down the clock.
As I watch this slow time wash down the slope.
Love is unfair, living brings more fear.
Feeling taste of pain treading my lips.
As I sob away this silent weeps.
Darkness is not dark without Light.
It is empty; blank.
Light is not bright without darkness.
It is empty, blank.
My anxiety sits in a corner.
And I am empty, blank.


#sadpoetry #miraquill #darkness #light #lonely #thoughtful #pod #start #share #mirakee #wod #alone

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