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You say that it's alright

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You say that it's alright

Right when we live in pieces

but pieces fall apart

I started to notice you after that day

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I started to notice you after that day. At lunch, in class, in the halls. Every refracted beam of light seemed to contain your smile, and it followed me everywhere, my iridescent shadow. But I don't think you ever saw me. Not really.

And then Mariana happened.

That day, I stormed into school, marched up to her, and slapped her across the face. Her expression is still crystal clear in my memory. Shocked, but without a trace of indignance or anger. Pure resignation. I realised three things: She knew what she did was wrong; she was well aware of the consequences beforehand; and she would do it all over again.

I stalked off, walking blindly until I found myself at the back of the school, where students made out and smoked in secret. Then I cried. Did she actually value our friendship so little? I was drowning in frustration, at Mariana, at my tears, at the fact that I cared so goddamn much for someone who wasn't worth it.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" a voice asked.

"I just found out one of my best friends is a Grade-A bitch, and now I'm sitting on concrete, bawling my eyes out. You tell me."

A chuckle. "You're right, it was a stupid question."

I lifted my head to see who this newly self-aware person was, and froze. It was you, the boy I had harboured a crush on for months now. This definitely made the list of the biggest facepalm moments in my life. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

"That slap was badass though."

I choked a laugh. "I guess."

"I'm Will," you said. "What's your name?"

Joy and disappointment warred in me. You didn't remember me at all. But here was a chance for me to make an impression on you. A fresh start was better than nothing. "Emilia."

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