Fxcked Up

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Joshua and Rui en became closer. And in the class the girls stars to get jealous and talk shit about her. And whenever she wants to rant, Darryl was there. It's as if, Even though he is busy he keeps everything away just to listen to her. Darryl is always for her. There was this one time in social medial, every one cyber bullied her and Darryl was the one protected her and cheers her up. Whenever she gets insecure he calls her beautiful/Chio.  But this stupid bitch doesn't know that and fell in love with Joshua. They liked each other but they were not dating. ( Not yet)

 ( Not yet)

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Darryl's POV:

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Darryl's POV:

I just can't bear to see her with Joshua. It's as if she is drifting away from me. Aren't I perfect enough for her. Yes I am dumb but I like her like an idiot and it's too obvious. I buy her food whenever she feels hungry ...I do everything for her. Is it just all my imagination?! Am I the only one who is thinking about this!?
Few weeks later, there was a camp held and it was compulsory for everyone. On that day, everyone sat with their friends on the bus. And rui en wanted to sit with Joshua but some other girl went to sit with him. There was an empty seat beside Darryl and she has no choice but to sit there. But during the journey, she kept looking at Joshua while Darryl was looking at her thinking when will she find out that he is likes her. He was too hurt.

They got down and play games together as a class. A lot of activities happen that made Rui en jealous of Joshua because there was girls surrounding him. While Darryl was comforting her.

It was mid night about 2:30 am, everyone was already sleeping in their tents. Except Rui en, she was crying. Darryl heard her cries and get out of his tent to see who was that. The moment he saw Rui en, he quickly jumped out of his tent and went to her to see her crying. (Btw they were camping nearby the beach)
She sat on the sand crying badly and Darryl tapped her shoulders to comfort her. She immediately got up and hugged him closely and tightly. His heart was beating very fast but he still hugged her back. And slowly she released from the hug but Darryl held her hand and they were literally interlocked their hands and walked by the beach.

"Ok then, I will leave now", said Rui en

But before she even end her sentence, Darryl pulled her in for a kiss but she didn't back off and wasn't forced. But after a few sec later, she reacted and pushed him away and ran. And said, "forgot about what just happen". Darryl was dumbfounded. He was speechless.

Darryl's POV:

Forget it she say, how in the world am I going to forget. It was my wish for this to happen and she just walks away, as if this didn't matter to her at all. I am being played. am I?! My life is a joke! I don't understand this life anymore. When someone loves u like crazy, they don't like you back. Like why???😭

Both Darryl and Rui en didn't even talk through out the camp. Rui en was ignoring him the whole time and she was just hanging out with Joshua.

A few days later, there was a singing competition and Rui en was one of the contestants. She chose a song was perfect for.....and sang the song, "Remember that night"

In the audience, Darryl was there and he was unsure if it was about that night they kissed. When she got down the stage , he went up to her and asked

"Was the song about me?", He asked.

" I already say! Forget about it! After all, it's JUST A KISS", she exclaimed.

"I am dating Joshua so stop talking about this already", she shouted him and made him go away.

Darryl's POV:

ahaahha, my life is very funny. The moment she stepped in the class, I laid my eyes on her and then in the end she is leaving me behind after all I did for her, it was just for her. Even now, I can't seem to come to hate her. I just can't. That is how much I love her like crazy. But she doesn't understand that. She played my feelings. It was my imagination for thinking that she will love me back.

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