Is is too much to ask?

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After that, they drifted and never see each other again.

Few years later, Joshua and Rui en got engaged and invited their friends for their wedding including Darryl. The moment he got the letter, he broke down. And he talked to himself , "was my love not enough for her, I guess she found her perfect one". Darryl cried his lungs out in pain. Even though he felt happy that she was getting married but inside him he can't stop crying. He just couldn't. His mother was saddened looking at her son like that. Two days later, was the wedding. He went to the wedding prepared. Darryl saw Rui en walking through the aisle with her future husband, Joshua. He can't control his tears and starts to cry but immediately wiped them off. The MC in the wedding

"Can we have Darryl to come up the stage to sing the Groom/Bride a song?", MC said.

Darryl went up the stage and saw Rui en. And in his mind he was like "she is super pretty, but sadly she can't be mine" and came back to reality and sang the song , "Can I be him".

After listening to the song, Rui en broke down and Darryl too did. But he wiped his tears away and said

"I hope you guys love each other forever".

And then Joshua and Rui en exchange rings with each other and kissed. Darryl couldn't watch it and ran away before they even kissed. He closed the door of the wedding hall and cried badly. He waited this long just to see the person he love marrying someone.

He went back home and wrote a letter for Rui en

'Hey, I'm Darryl here. And if you are reading this letter tells you that I'm already dead. I know you don't even want to read this but just be patient. I came to your wedding because I want to see the person I love marrying someone you love the most before I die. Yes, I was diagnosed of cancer stage four few months ago. And it can't be cured because it's too late. That night we kissed was no joke. That kiss was so meaningful and you don't know how much that kiss meant to me. I know it was nothing to you but for me it was heaven. That was literally my wish and also dating you but that didn't work out.....I don't why but I still can't hate you because I love you like crazy and I would do anything for you like ANYTHING! I hope you liked the song I sang for you. And I really hope you guys stay together forever even if I can't be by your side anymore. Don't cry aight. It's fine. I guess the god just wants me to come back so I could just rest in peace. I will love you forever and always have. I wish I could just say goodbye to you before I happily die. But nevermind maybe in the next life I guess. Byeee. Keep this letter for me, thanks'. 

Darryl wrote this letter and gave it to his mom.

"Mom, if one day I die, please remember to give this to Rui en", he said and she agreed.

A few days later , Darryl passed away and the mom emailed all his friends to attend his funeral. When Rui en got the email, she broke down to tears, crying badly. She never knew his time ended. She thought she could make up for him and be friends again. She immediately went to the funeral and saw him in the coffin. She couldn't bare to see the person who loves her died Infront of her. Darryl's mom called her out in private and gave her the letter. She read it and she couldn't bare the pain. She hugged the letter near to chest and kept repeating, "WHY DID U LEAVE ME LIKE THIS".
Darryl's mother came over and patted her shoulders and said,

"Dear, no point of crying over spilt milk. It's too late. It breaks my heart to see my son cry everyday became of you! It hurts badly! He said that he could never find a girl like you EVER! but you didn't understand that, you never loved him when played with his feelings as if it was nothing. I know I shouldn't be saying this but this is your punishment to treat my son this way! I'm sorry", the mom said and walked away crying. 

Life isn't very easy. If someone loves for whoever you are and they are there for you whenever you need them, please don't break their hearts. And just love them back. That is all they need and that is all they asked, is that too much to ask?

--------------------THE END-----------------------

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