Part 2: killing and stalking

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Enjoy this chapter even though its short and shitty 😋

As he pulled away the kiss for air you dug your knee into his stomach. "I AM NEVER GOING TO LOVE YOU SO JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" You screamed and ran far away in the first direction you saw. You decided to go a different route than usual, just to make sure you weren't being followed. Maybe he was mistaken, or maybe he needed help. You didn't want to have a boyfriend! You were way to busy at work and if you got too attached and they left, You just couldn't do it. You've been through enough with your family and roommate Lucy. You stopped outside a florist shop. It seemed sweet and you needed something for the nerves that you had ever since you met him. You had been bombarded with al sorts of questions and thoughts that you forgot how long you were walking for.  You decided to walk in. Life was short. You stepped inside, the sweet aromas filling your body. You spotted a bouquet of fresh roses. Your favourite flower! Heading towards the roses you felt a familiar presence.  Oh god it was him again. "Well fancy seeing you here" he said, smiling as if he didn't just harass you . "What do you want" you hiss at him. "Wha- I come here all the time it's only coincidence your here! Plus I think I should really apologise for uh, kissing you before" he sounded hurt but also very happy to see you. The cashier was eagerly watching your conversation so you asked the stranger to go outside so you could finish the conversation in peace. You came to a compromise, he walked you home, since it was late and then you never speak to each other again. It WAS only a five minute walk to your apartment after all. The walk was ok. You found out he was a product tester and he didn't like his name so you had to give him one. It was kinda strange but you didn't mind. You decided on YB for his name, it suited him. Overall he was good looking and tall but a psycho nonetheless. You stopped outside your apartment and said your farewell. You stepped into your room and instantly flopped onto your bed. It was cold. Someone opened the window. That's so fucking creepy...

And we stopped at 399 words, short I know. I'm defo getting more motivation for next chapter! Sorry I took so long I will be quicker next chapter. Also writer's block ugh. See you all next chapter lol. ❤️

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