Part 3: Tk, i dont know what to say..

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Small justice for tk getting killed way too soon in other stories 😭 enjoy~. Also I'm not going off the game anymore.

You woke up that day feeling different.
Was it the paranoia of knowing a stranger knew where you lived? Wait- Shit you let him walk you straight to your apartment. You should've stopped outside the complex! Now you were just some cliche horror stereotype. And talk about a main character stereotype you were late again. Nothing you can do now though. You got ready as quickly as possible and started on your way to work.

*time skip at 60 words brought to you by joes barbecue and foot massage*

Tk had been acting strange around you all day and finally he said something to you.
"Y/n, Uh. After our shift could you stay behind.. I need to tell you something important. You went numb. You knew he had a crush on you, it was sweet though you enjoyed seeing them flustered when you smiled at them or even started up casual conversation. "Sure Tk, we finish in 5 anyway" you stated in response. He laughed very nervously five minutes later when everyone else had left. "Yn, I've been feeling this way for a while. And I just wanted to ask you out for dinner sometime ..." all of a sudden knocking could be heard on the glass door of the diner. It was that creep who is probably stalking you. YB was it? You opened the door slightly and poked your head out waiting for him to say something. "Who is he?" YB says, jealousy washing over his face as tk and him glared at each other. "They are my coworker and friend. And they're not a he."  You calmly corrected him.  "And could you stay outside for a second while we finish this quick word?"  He closed the door behind him still having full eye contact with Tk.   "So what where ya saying" you smiled and returned to Tk who was looking rather uneasy.  "I was just asking you if you wanted to go out sometime, I know this really great place down town!" He said looking at the ground "Tk.. I don't know what to say. Go a date?" You said in reply "yeah something like that I guess.." they looked less uncomfortable now but YB who was casually waiting outside sharply turned to face the both of you a hint of annoyance and confusion washing over his face "nope they can't, sorry you emo looking bastard but there mine" he said so calmly it made Tk and you uneasy "I was going to say yes if you let me!" Tears formed at your eyes as you realised some bald stalker was taking away what could possibly be your last chance of love. "You know what. Fuck you yb" you said coldly as you grabbed your things and stormed out the diner. Unfortunately someone followed along with you.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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