Chapter One

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As he walked to the his house he met fadeela sitting on a couch with a colored fixed hair on her head ,he gasped"Fadeela haven't I talked to you multiple times about fixing this hair"He complained

She replied"Sorry baby I saw it at the saloon ealier"she replied
he hissed"But you know clearly the thing doesn't Validate prayer...she ignored him and continue typing with her phone

He walked to his room angrily but what's bothering him is that fadeela nonesense is improving day by day....But he isn't seeming to do anything about it

He quickly shower and changed to a white shirt and black sweatpants as always,looking so hot and handsome as always

Fadeela was still sitting there even when he's out from his room he told her "fadila I'll be going to Ammi's place...Come let's go"He suggested

She answered "My head is aching and I don't like the palace crowds

He was so sad of her response,he wondered why fadeela have no regard for his parent and even his sisters only Asmau because they have equal habit...
She's proving royalty

As he walk to the palace with his guard behind him and the palace guards greeting him one by one ,He branched to the Fada to greet his father after then he moved to Mama's part (Fulani saadatu) then to his mom

He met salma first he asked "Salma where is Ammi ?she replied "She's upstairs Good morning Ya Moha

Morning Lil sis,where have you been
He asked his youngest sister...She replied "ya Moha I don't like going to you house because of Aunty Fadila"She Said with a pout

Kehhhh"He yelled
Salma knew how he could be so she apologize quickly...
I'm sorry"

He left to stairs with a frowned face as he walked to his mom's room seeing her seated with her kunyangi ,They left immediately after greeting him

Good Morning "he greeted
Morning Yarima "His mom asked
How are you You,How is Fadila"She asked,She always ask about her even thou Fadila never comes

In his way coming out from her place  he met nawal and her nanny trying to catch...she run to hug him...He hugged her back  and gave her a kiss

Nawal baby when did you arrive,where your mom"He asked referring to Shahida

She's there"She point at Mama's part
he  moved to Mama's part with Nawal still on his hands

As he entered he saw Shahida she shouted Twinyyyyy"Ahh Twinny when will you grow up " yarima Said jokingly
I miss you bro that's why"She chuckled

You'll never change,BTW how is Katsina"He asked..."Fine bro"She replied
How is Abdul(her husband)"Yarima asked

He's fine too"She replied...."When are you leaving"He asked..
I came for a wedding I'll leave on Sunday"

Oh okay,Let me get going I'm heading to my office"He stated
Okay bye"he left

He came back home around 9,he walked to his room upstairs...he met the Palour empty he knew fadeela must have fallen asleep he didn't bother going to her room...
because he knows fadeela Always comes to his room when ever she feels like

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