Chapter 3

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Another day went by. The three Jacobs siblings woke up in the living room.

"Morning." Callie said.

"Morning." Jude said.

"I think everyone's in the kitchen." Callie said. "Let's go get breakfast."

The three walked into the kitchen, where everyone else was.

"Good morning." Stef greeted them.

"Callie, can you get the juice out please?" Lena asked. Callie nodded and did so. Olivia and Jude sat at the table.

Olivia didn't pay attention to any of the conversations going on. She got up to grab something and ended up tripping over Jesus's skateboard. Callie and Jude helped her up.

"Jesus, what have we told you about your skateboard being in the house." Lena said. "Are you ok, Olivia? Are you hurt?"

Instead of answering, Olivia walked out of the room.

"Just give me a minute." Callie said before going after her sister.

Olivia tried to keep from bursting into tears. Not from being hurt, but from embarrassment.

"Hey." Callie said, going over to her sister. "Are you hurt?" Olivia shook her head. "Are you ok?" Callie asked. Olivia shook her head. A few tears rolled down her face. "Hey, it's going to be ok." Callie said. "Come on. Let's eat some breakfast." Olivia followed her sister back into the kitchen.

"Olivia, would you like some pancakes?" Stef asked. Olivia nodded as she sat at the table. She ate in silence.

"You guys have to be out the door in 10." Stef said. "Mama and I have a meeting with Bill.

"And then I'm gonna bring Jude to the school later." Lena said. "To show him around." Both Olivia and Callie looked up at her.

"He'll be ok. I promise." Lena assured them. "I'm not gonna let them split you three up again, ok?"

After eating, all the kids, minus Jude, headed to school.

Olivia's school day went by like the rest of the had since she had started going to Anchor Beach. She went about her day in silence and ate lunch in the music room with Callie and Brandon.

While they were walking home, Jude was telling them about his first day.

Just then, Mariana stopped abruptly.

"What?" Callie asked.

"Why are both my moms home?" Mariana asked.

They all walked into the house to see Stef and Lena.

"What's going on?" Mariana asked.

"Mariana, could you take Jude upstairs, please?" Lena said. "We need to talk to Callie and Olivia." Jude was reluctant.

"It's ok." Stef said to Jude. "They'll be right up."

Mariana and Jude went upstairs. Callie and Olivia looked at Stef and Lena.

"We've been told that you two stole Jesus's pills?" Lena started. "And have been selling them at school?"

Callie and Olivia stood there, speechless. Olivia ran out of the room. "Olivia!" Callie called.

"Is this true?" Stef asked.

"No." Callie said.

"Then why would this student say that you and Olivia did?" Lena asked.

"I guess we're just easy targets." Callie said.

"Will you give us a minute, please?" Stef said.

"Can I say something first?" Callie asked.

"Go ahead." Lena said.

"Whatever you have thought of of me and Olivia since we've come here, please don't judge Olivia too harshly." Callie said. "She did nothing wrong to get sent to juvie. I'm the reason she was sent there. It's been really hard for her being in juvie and being sent to a new foster home."

"Can we ask what happened?" Stef asked.

"The previous foster father we had was hitting Jude, so I damaged his car with a baseball bat." Callie explained. "Olivia was outside when the police arrived and he blamed us both, so we both got taken into custody. So, it's my fault she was sent to juvie."

"Can she talk?" Lena asked.

"She hasn't talked since we found out what happened to our parents." Callie replied. "I know it's a lot to ask, but could she get a phone or tablet? She uses a voice app to talk."

"We'll see what we can do." Lena said.

"Can you give us a minute, please?" Stef repeated.

Callie nodded and went to go find Olivia. She found her sitting outside. "Hey." Callie said, joining her. "Are you ok?"

Olivia shook her head. For the second time that day, she felt like she was about to burst into tears. She couldn't hold it in any longer and started crying.

Callie pulled her into a hug. "Shh. I know everything has been overwhelming lately." Callie said, trying to soothe her. "It's going to be ok."

The two heard movement behind them and turned to see Stef and Lena standing there.

"Well, it would appear that we were given some false information." Lena started. "And I promise I'm going to find out how that happened exactly."

"We're very sorry that we didn't believe you." Stef continued. "We feel that trust is something that has to be earned. And we would really like to start earning yours. Both of you."

"Ok." Callie said.

"Olivia?" Stef asked.

Olivia nodded.

After dinner, everyone was in the living room.

"So, we have something to talk about." Stef started.

"We had our meeting with Bill, and we've come to a decision." Lena said. "We are not in a position to offer Olivia, Callie, and Jude a home forever."

"But we would like you guys to be as comfortable and safe as possible, until Bill does find you a permanent home." Stef said. "However long that may take."

"It could be a week, it could be a year. We just don't know." said Lena. "We want this to be your very last way station ever, ever, ever.

"So, that means, we need to get you guys out of the living room." Stef said.

"I think you'll be ok to camp down there one more night, but tomorrow we're having some beds delivered, so after school let's help get them settled in, ok?" Lena said.

"Jude, you'll be moving in with Jesus. And Olivia and Callie, you two will be moving into the guest room." Stef explained. "Everyone got it?" They all nodded.

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