Chapter 1

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There were three teenagers who were 19 and were walking around the streets of Republic City. One was a light skinned young man who had combed-over black hair and golden eyes who was wearing modernized fire nation clothes. The second was a young man also who had brown skin and blue eyes wearing a blue t-shirt and sweatpants. He had his hair in a ponytail and let a strand fall off just to look cooler. Lastly was a young man in front of them, he had black hair that was medium length that parted in the middle and green eyes. He had a deep green jacket on top and wore brown pants that looked aerodynamic. They all have come back from their time in Zaofu, working directly under the Matriarch for years.

They were supposed to be soldiers for the United Forces, but they dropped out and traveled to Zaofu as the Earthbender had some connections there, with the matriarch to be more specific. They had been her top security forces and though they were known as outsiders, they were welcomed with open arms.

The three worked under the Matriarch since they were 16, making it 3 years since they worked for her private security force. They were different from the normal security force as they were maintaining the peace from behind the scenes. There have been incidents that have been avoided no thanks to them. They have stopped smuggling of drugs and human trafficking. The three have finally decided to come back home, but something was telling them that it was going to be an interesting predicament that is happening in Republic City.

As they were walking down the streets of Republic City they started to see a lot of things they were familiar with. Things like the power struggle, crime, delinquents, but something that was new was the fact of an anti-bending revolution. They encountered a rally that was happening nearby the City Hall which was soon dispersed by the Metal Bending Police of the city.

"Hey Kuo," the Firebender said. The Earthbender now known as Kuo looked at the Firebender, "What's up Yuji," Kuo said.

"Look, it's your m—" the Waterbender started to talk when he saw a grey-haired woman wearing the uniform of Republic City's Metalbending police. She had a stern aura and her pale-green eyes made people shiver at times. This woman was Lin Beifong, daughter of the legendary Toph, and Republic City's current chief of police.

Kuo looked to see Lin who made eye contact with him. When the two made eye contact they looked at each other as if they were not happy to see each other. Lin maintained her expression while Kuo had a calm yet reething expression.

"Hello Kuo," Lin said in a neutral voice.

"Mother..." Kuo said with slight venom in his voice. Lin ignored her son's tone and noticed his two friends behind him.

"Seems like you, Yuji, and Moe came back from Zaofu," Lin said.

"Yes ma'am," Moe said awkwardly. Him and Yuji could feel the tension between Kuo and Lin, but soon after they did they tapped onto Kuo's shoulder.

"We're gonna go back home," Yuji said, "we'll see you soon, man."

Kuo nodded as they walked back home. He soon turned his attention to his mother, "I see you're busy as usual."

"Surely you've heard about the Equalist movements," Lin said.

"First time I heard," Kuo simply shrugged, "Well I'm heading off, I don't want to interrupt your work."

Kuo walked away from his mother and passed by the City Hall building where the leaders of the nations would delegate, but he stopped walking when he heard an elderly male voice. "Kuo?"

Kuo looked back to see an older man who had Air Nomad robes. He had a bald head that had tattoos that said you're an airbending master with grey-blue eyes and a full beard. Kuo looked back to the man and noticed who it was. Tenzin, son of the late Avatar Aang, was looking at Kuo who gave a softer expression to the man.

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