Chapter 2

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It was the night of Korra's kidnapping from the Equalists. Kuo had already taken her back to his father's home. The boys reunited back in the city decided to patrol any Equalists and managed to interrogate one of them with Kuo holding them by their ankle as if they were dropping them on the edge of the building.

The Equalist woke up from being unconscious and was now terrified as he saw three dark figures and the location they were. They were on a rooftop and he was away.

"What are you guys planning?" Kuo asked.

"I don't know anything I swear!" the Equalist said.

"Wrong answer," Kuo said darkly, he took out his tonfa and pressed the button of the grip which led to a blade popping out from the forehead of the tonfa. Kuo started to point the blade at the Equalist's neck as if he was going to slit it.

"Wait? What? Y-You wouldn't!" The Equalist was now terrified as he was going to get his throat slit for not saying anything.

"Then tell me." Kuo said.

"We are going to raid the Finals of the Pro-Bending tournament, we're going to make an example out of the benders!" the Equliast said.

"Appreciate it," Kuo said. He retracted the blade and knocked out the Equalist. They tied him up with Kuo who used metalbending and let the unconscious Equalist down on the floor gently as they went up the roofs again.

"What are we going to do?" Moe asked, they were now on a rooftop, looking out at the city view.

"What we always do," Kuo said, "take matters into our own hands. We are going to enter the Pro-Bending tournament and when Amon strikes, change and take him down."

Moe and Yuji nodded as they decided to be done patrolling for the day.


Kuo, Moe, and Yuji were walking down the streets and later were encountered by Tarrlok, "Beifong!" he hollered as he approached the earthbender and his friends.

"Councilman," Kuo said in a neutral tone.

"Have you seen Avatar Korra, she hasn't been around for quite some time," Tarrlok asked.

"Well to be fair, she joined the Fire Ferrets long before your useless task force." He said. Tarrlok snreed as he heard Kuo call his task force useless. There has been word around the city where three dark vigilantes have been more effective with taking down the Equalists than Tarrlok's task force. "So, how does the interrogation of those chi blockers go?" Kuo asked, "I have been informed by my father about how stubborn they have been."

"Indeed they have," Tarrlok sighed in anger, "They are very tight lipped about Amon and far too loyal to even talk."

Kuo and the boys heard a honk and smirked as he saw Asami in a satomobile, "Have my mother interrogate them. If they don't talk after that then I don't know what will get them talking." With that, Kuo and his friends walked off and hopped in Asami's satomobile.

As Asami was driving Kuo and the boys were in the Satomobile, she looked towards Kuo. "So you boys are going to enter the tournament?"

"Hell yeah we are," Kuo said, "We still haven't lost our touch. Besides, it would be good for us." As he said this he was thinking for a different reason, it was so they could take down Amon.


In Republic City, snow is falling outside and in the pro-bending arena in the gym Korra is handling a blob of water and then splits it into two. She then rapidly launches small water bullets in different directions while Bolin raises his right hand to make an earth disc follow his motion. He made it hover in front of him. He throws it at Korra who launches the water blob at the earth disc making Bolin stumble back but then Mako twists around and vaporizes the water with a fire arc and delivers two fire punches.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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