The Prisoner

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"And in prison shall thy soul rotBy God thee unfaithful wretch"Was the last he heardAs he was removed from his cotHis walk now a small depressing trot

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"And in prison shall thy soul rot
By God thee unfaithful wretch"
Was the last he heard
As he was removed from his cot
His walk now a small depressing trot

His dinner was nothing but a rat
As most usual, the guards must've consumed
His daily bread
And now they hid it behind their hat
And their round belly, fat.

His families pleas forsaken
His hand removed from his woman
His babe crying in her hands
And their bellows shaken
And all new hope awaken, broken

Wretched? I think not
For the country I served
And strived to die
Wretched? Why think that thee alot
May life peaceful for his children be alot

His prayers left his parched lip
A runaway tear shed
A shaking hand now slowly limp
His head slowly dip
His mind reminded of his cozy crib

To his country, was he ever so faithful
But consider him a spy
Why would thee?
Aren't his Majesty, truly ungrateful?

As his last breath escaped his lung
His head rewinding
Life, the Lord gave him, rung
Like distant memories
Perfect as rungs

Rhyme scheme: abcaa

Rhyme scheme: abcaa

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