How They React To You Getting Hurt In A Game

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Adam- shouts at the ref, is angry, cue aggressive Adam mode, makes sure they win for your sake

Charlie- would try and hurt them as much as possible, wouldn't care if he had to stay in the penalty box, extremely pissed at the person that hurt you

Dean- all hell brakes loose, forget the game rules and trys to beat them up, practically has the whole team trying to stop him

Fulton- gets dean to help him and will literally barge the person that did it out of the way and trip them up every chance they get

Averman- angry Averman is here to stay, gets all frustrated and starts to make fun of them and basically roast them

Luis- is very protective so he will start saying stuff like don't touch her and the ref would hold him back but he wouldn't leave your side fir the rest of the game

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