Chapter 1: Travel Plans

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         Reyna Green was a girl of many talents, her bravery being number one. Although not everyone saw it that way, many referred to her as reckless, careless even, there was also the word; selfish. However Reyna was anything but, she simply saw something daring and it excited her, the adrenaline would pulse through her veins with familiarity, as if it belonged to her. Friends called her fearless, and in a sense she was but one thing did scare her, more than anything and it was the thought of losing someone close to her. She cared deeply for others, her empathy would sometimes drain her, the problem with baring the weight of everyone's emotions was it would leave her overwhelmed but she wouldn't have it any other way. "Your compassion is a gift, Rey." Her father would tell her when she'd come home hurt because a friend was hurt, she felt their emotions as if they were her own. Only one day she didn't realize that her emotions would get the best of her, her body on fire as a part of her would awaken, leaving everyone she cared about completely, and utterly astonished.

        She stood above a cliff in Georgia all her friends behind her looking at her with excitement, others with disbelief and worry, a few with scowls wondering how she could do something so stupid. These moments only pushed her further, made her want to prove everyone wrong, "You could get hurt, Reyna." Her friend she made over the summer told her with worry.

"You worry too much, Dyl." Reyna laughed, she couldn't explain the giddy feeling she would get when she was about to do something completely reckless and new. She'd never cliff dived before but she knew it was something she would come to enjoy. Her friend scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, "Whatever." Dylan muttered to herself, quietly.

Reyna then looked down at the rocky water crashing against the side of the cliff, she cocked her head to the side and grinned. The waves got higher with each crash, as if they were reaching for her with open arms begging for her to join it. The wind began to pick up speed, one of her friends stepping forward to stop her but it was too late. Reyna jumped, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she fell, the wind rushing against her body as it hurled quickly towards the water.

Reyna's friends hurried to look over the cliff she was once standing on, they watched as her body disappeared under the surface of the water holding their breaths waiting for her to resurface. Her head bobbed to the top of the water, she screamed in delight, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. "You're fucking crazy!" her friend, Micah yelled down to her, but couldn't help the relieved chuckle that left his lips. Reyna flashed them a smile and waved, before she started swimming to shore.

As she stepped out of the water, her small group of friends were already meeting her at the beach with a towel in hand. "You guys should try it, I swear it's like flying." Reyna told them, her eyes lit up with excitement, still holding a small amount of adrenaline that was slowly subsiding due to her contact with solid ground.

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks." Her other friend, Avery told her with an eye roll. Reyna laughed, as she pulled the towel through her hair squeezing slightly to wring out the water. "Can't say I don't try to get you guys to have a good time." She said with a shrug. Her friends laughed at her, "No, you just do crazy ass shit and then expect us to join you." Dylan chirped with a snort. Her other friends nodding in agreement.

"I guess we just enjoy different things." Reyna said, she pulled the towel around her body, although she wasn't cold. "You can say that again." Micah said, her friends mimicking what Reyna just said with a few giggles. Reyna sighed and took a seat on the sand, it was still early enough in the morning that the beach was pretty much deserted besides herself and a couple other teenagers on the other side of it.

"We're gonna miss you." Avery said with a slight pout, her short blonde hair barely pulled into a ponytail. Avery usually complained about it, but the thought was completely forgotten as she and her friends accepted that summer was coming to an end and their dauntless friend would soon be leaving to go back home.

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