Chapter 4

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For Reyna things were starting to return to normal, school was her main priority and if she wasn't in school she was hanging out with her best friend. Word got around that a new face would be making an appearance at Forks High school, although Reyna never got a name. Her days were seemingly blurring together, and she didn't feel the need to interrogate her way through the social buzz to find out who the newcomer might be; she would find out in due time.

Reyna made her way to her two story house with a headache throbbing against her temple. She'd been getting headaches quite frequently, and the feeling of uneasiness hadn't left, with every passing day the feeling only seemed to grow. The pit of her stomach felt swamped as if she were standing in a quick sand pit and with any sudden movement she would sink. When she stepped over the threshold of her home, the environment was quiet, the only sound was that of the Tv in the living room replaying old news.

She sighed and wallowed through the house, her feet heavy and her head pounding, nobody was home she'd thought to herself. She walked up the steps slowly in hopes that it would help ease her headache, any sudden movements and she was sure her brain would rattle against her skull in complete and utter agony.

Without further thought Reyna collapsed on her bed and buried her head into her soft plush pillows, and covered her eyes with her right hand. After what seemed like an eternity of what felt like her brain throbbing against her skull, as if it were her heart instead, she groaned. The feeling not leaving.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the bottom of the stairs, the floorboards creaking as whoever it was ascended its steps. Reyna wrapped her pillow tightly around her face, any sound seaming to pierce through her skull creating a sharp pain through her temples. Whoever it was didn't bother knocking on the door, and simply walked in without any notice. Reyna didn't look up to greet whomever walked into her room uninvited, if anything she tried to sink further into her bed, wanting it to engulf her in a warm hug, imagining that the pressure of it would ease the one in her head.

"What's wrong?" The voice, asked in bewilderment, one that she'd recognized as her best-friends. Reyna groaned, and as she did so, Jake walked quickly to her side to take a seat on the bed next to her. He had tried to pull the pillow that wrapped around her head out of her firm grasp but gave up when she whined in protest. "Another headache?" He asked, and she simply lifted her thumb to tell him what her lips couldn't. Without taking a look at his expression, Reyna knew he understood, because in that moment he pushed her to the other side of her bed so she wasn't laying in the middle of it taking up space, and laid down beside her, wrapping one loose arm around her small frame.

    He nuzzled his head against her pillow that still laid on her head and sighed, "Maybe you should see a doctor about that, Rey." Reyna didn't respond, in her mind she couldn't see herself going to the doctor about it, because how could she explain that they occurred only when she felt the uneasiness that seemed to constantly burn in the pit of her stomach that she knew wasn't from anxiety alone, and how she'd been having dreams again with what she only knew from childish stories to be a vampire. That they left her in a pool of sweat when she woke up and with a feeling so depth she knew it was more than meant as a warning, and she wasn't sure how she would explain that without people looking at her as if she'd grown three heads.

Instead she pushed the pain away enough to pull the pillow that covered her eyes, and lifted her head, all the while craning her neck to make eye contact with Jake. She shook her head, "I'm fine" She told him, although her voice wavered slightly, and she cringed when she heard how small her voice seemed to sound. She never spoke with such a childlike demeanor, her voice was always strong, and bubbly, and full of light. Jake having heard the tone in her voice only looked unconvinced, "You're not fine, Rey." He told her, his eyes softening as he lifted his hand to pull a stray strand of wild curls away from her face. "You get them almost everyday, and they cripple you, I haven't seen you do anything more than go to school and come home," he told her, his voice in a whisper, him knowing that the louder he spoke, the more at risk Reyna was of a worsening headache.

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