Chapter 2: Arrival

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       After Reyna woke from her nap the rest of the evening was spent packing and getting the cars loaded for their journey back home. They would be leaving shortly after breakfast. As the time neared for their departure, Reyna kept getting antsy, she was more than excited to be back in Forks and in the comfort of her actual home.

Due to the nap she took earlier, Reyna laid awake on her bed lost in thoughts about her friends back home. She decided against telling Jake that she was coming home early, she wanted to see the look on his face when she showed up at the Black residence unannounced. He'd texted her a few times throughout the day asking if she was still coming home on Friday, and she would beat around the bush and lie saying she wasn't sure. He seemed disappointed at that but she knew his attitude would change come tomorrow.

Reyna moved to sit at her window sill and peaked outside, the stars weren't as vibrant here as they were in La Push, which was another thing added to the very long list of things she missed about home. Sometimes she'd sit outside and try to find each constellation by name, she wanted to memorize the sky like a school lesson, as if she needed the information to succeed in life. The moon was bright and full, and it looked almost animated against the pitch black sky.

The time was nearing close to 2am, and she knew she should be getting some sleep but she couldn't escape her feelings. Something was coming, she wasn't sure what but her gut churned at the thought, and as the time grew closer for her to leave the tug at her stomach grew. She shook the feeling off and went back to her bed and shut off the light, because even though she loved the moon and stars, she loved the sun just as much, and with the sun out and high in the sky, she knew she was that much closer to reuniting with all her friends back home.


"Reyna," Isobel, Reynas mother whispered, shaking her daughter awake. She rose from the bed slightly with a groan, and her mother sent her a small smile that looked almost apologetic. "We have breakfast ready, we wanna have breakfast together before we leave. Your grandma wants to say goodbye." she told her, rising from the side of the bed she was once sitting on. Reyna nodded her eyes still not all the way open, the morning sun peered through the window almost violently, burning her eyes. She winced and rubbed them slightly, as her mother left the room so she could adjust and get ready for their long drive home.

Reyna stepped out of bed and silently cursed to herself when she felt the cold hard wood shoot along her bare feet. She grabbed her slippers and put them on quickly before leaving the room to head downstairs. Her mom, dad, and grandma all sat at the kitchen table talking and laughing, her heart swelled when she saw the smile didn't quite reach her mother's eyes. She knew she was going to miss her mom.

She walked over and took a seat beside her grandma and dad, they sent her smiles and passed her a plate so she could help herself. Reyna wasn't really hungry though, the feeling that something bad was going to happen still hadn't left. She pushed the feeling aside though deciding not to ruin the morning with her worrying her family, and enjoy their last meal together before leaving. "You gonna come back next summer Rey?" Her grandma asked with a smile, her leaf green eyes almost glowing.

Reyna nodded, "I plan on it, or maybe you could come down to Forks?" She asked, a little hopeful, it wasn't as if she didn't want to come back to Georgia, because she did, but she didn't want this homesick feeling again. Her grandma almost seemed pleased with the suggestion, and shrugged, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." She murmured, taking a bite of her toast. Her father sent Isobel a reassuring smile, taking her hand in his and giving it a slight squeeze. Reyna smiled at the gesture, happy she was lucky enough to have parents that were still in love.

When breakfast was over, they changed and gathered what was left of their things. They all stood outside taking turns saying goodbye to Claudia, Reynas grandmother. When it was Reynas turn, a few tears began to slip at the corners of her eyes, she wiped them quickly not wanting to upset her mother or grandma. The women in the family were definitely emotional, but in a way that's how they kept their connections.

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