Mad As Rabbits

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One things for certain, today was not going to be a good day.

That's what Grace thought, before being pushed into the tall, lanky boy. Grace was used to being pushed around in her school. Suicide girl is what they called her. Only because of her depression and three suicide attempts.

"S-sorry," she stuttered out the words.

"No, no, it's fine. Totally my fault." The boy said.

Grace looked up and saw the tall boy standing in front of her. She couldn't help but notice his amazing brown eyes. She had never really had a crush on anyone and wouldn't start now.

"I-i'm sorry." Her voice was shakey. She didn't want the boy to find out who she was, because if he did, he would probably know about her reputation.

"Like I said, it's my fault." The boy tried to convince her, but soon noticed how uneasy she was. "I'm Ryan."

Grace was taken back, but nevertheless found the right words. "I'm Grace." It didn't matter if she said her name or not, she figured the boy knew her and would end up driving her deeper into depression.

Unfortunately and fortunately, the boy had no clue as to who she was. Being a senior, he must know who she is. Almost everyone knew who she was. The boys, the girls, everyone knew Grace Lavender. But Ryan seemed oblivious.

"Oh, I know you!" The words she so dreaded to hear. She knew it couldn't be true and in the next couple of seconds this boy- Ryan- would be taking advantage of her size.

"You sit behind me in history. Grace Lavender, is it? Not to be creepy. I just hear you're name- I'm being creepy aren't I?"

"No, you're being pretty reasonable." Grace said simply. She wasn't into much conversation. Always a quiet girl. She didn't mean to be rude, but things just come out like that.

Soon the bell rang, and Grace was saved from this conversation. Ryan looked up, as if he needed to. Tall idiot boy, she thought. She was off without Ryan even noticing.

The rest of the day went on the same for her, but not for the tall idiot boy. Ryan was left in distress. For the rest of the day, he had thought of the same small girl, who to him, was perfect.

He was soon joined by his friends. He was usually quiet, but today was different and everyone noticed. Usually he nodded and smiled during all talks of girls and music, but he was stuck in the clouds.

"Ryan? Earth to Ryan." Brendon, one of his friends, tried to gain his attention. Brendon, a boy with black hair and brown eyes, was one of Ryan's best friends.

"Hey man, you okay?" Spencer, who had known Ryan since the ripe age of 4, asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Same thing he always said, but this time a sigh followed closely.

"What are you thinking about?" Jon asked with great curiosity. Jon was probably the farthest from Ryan in heart, but nevertheless close to him.

"Today, I met this girl and I don't know. She was different." Ryan found great confidence in telling his best friends about Grace.

"Well what was her name?" Brendon asked getting a little jealous, because he wasn't first priority in Ryan's life.

"Grace Lavender." Ryan said swooning at her name. It rolled off his tongue perfectly.

"You mean suicide girl?" Brendon never took notice in Grace, but was now sure that he wouldn't like her.

"No, not suicide girl. Her name is Grace." Ryan couldn't help but feel offended by what Brendon said. To Ryan, it didn't matter is Grace was 'suicide girl'. All that mattered was her and not her label.

"You like her?" Spencer asked.

"I mean, I guess she's cool. I've only ever spoken to her once," Ryan said.

"Um we've been in school with her ever since sixth grade." Spencer always knew Grace. He never actually talked to her, but he remembered every single person who went to school with him and Ryan.

"Haha very funny Spencer." Ryan didn't like Spencer joking around like this, but put on a happy face.

"Grace Lavender. I'm not even playing dude." Spencer was serious about Grace and wouldn't take no.

"Hey there she is." Jon said gesturing to the girl walking into the room and taking a seat st the table all the way in the back of the cafeteria.

Ryan didn't stop one second to think about what he was doing. He sprang up from his seat and walked fast pace to Grace. He was sitting down before she even pulled out a chair.

"H-hi Ryan." Grace was confused, but still wanted to be polite. Grace barley looked in the boys eyes. Her brown hair was slightly messy and she didn't want to have to fix it all day.

"Hi Grace. Mind if I sit with you?" He asked with too much excitement in his voice. Grace didn't know how to react to this, so she nodded slightly.

She sat down slowly. Ryan was so intrigued by her. She wouldn't move one bit. She got tired of the quite so she spoke up. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" Ryan was so upset, because a beautiful girl like Grace thinks that everyone must hate her or the world won't spin.

"I mean, out of every single person in this school, you are the only person to ever be nice to me or to smile in my presence." Her face was gloomy, but filled with some hope that Ryan wouldn't leave her.

"I'm nice to people I care about." Ryan loved seeing Grace happy. It's all he ever wanted, well since a few hours ago.

"You care about me?" She couldn't help but be happy. All her life she was looked at as a disappointment, but now someone has said they care about her. But that feeling left when she realized that he would soon leave her.

"Well, you've given me no reason not to." He said shrugging his shoulders. "You should come and meet my friends." Ryan thought he was getting no where and had to be interesting.

Ryan got up and held out his hand for Grace. She hesitated, but gladly took it. He pulled her through people in order to get her back to when the other boys were.

"Hey guys. This is Grace. Grace, meet Brendon, Spencer and Jon." Ryan went through his little group of friends.

Grace did a little wave. She has never spoken to so many people at once. Is this what it's like having friends? They all motioned her to sit down. She did after they coaxed her too.

Everyone began to introduce themselves. Each and every single one of them was nice to her and who could ask for anything more.

"So tell us about yourself." Spencer, who was dying to know as to why this girl has Ryan all over her, asked.

"Well, my name is Grace. I've been living here since I was a baby. I love music and reading. That's really it. I'm not very interesting." Grace shrugged. She didn't really have much to say about herself.

"You like music?" Brendon asked and the girl nodded. "We have a band. Just us four, but it's still good."

"I'll have to hear you play sometimes." She already liked the boys, but didn't want to get too attached.

They were about to continue there little conversation, but the bell rang. Ryan said that she should sit with them tomorrow and she agreed hesitantly.

The rest of the day went by normally. Well somewhat normal. Grace thought about Ryan the whole day and Ryan thought about Grace the whole day.

One things for certain, today was a good day.

Suicide : Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now