The story behind it all....

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Izuku was was looking for katsuki his classmate and childhood friend Katsuki had gone missing a few hours ago and pros and other U.A students were looking everywhere for him Izuku was the only one to search in the forest though since he knew katsuki liked to relax there

"Kacchan! are you out here?" Izuku called as he was afraid of the forest "come on kacchan everyone's looking for you" Izuku called out once more before he heard crying, it sounded like a child...

Izuku quickly ran over to where the noise was coming from and it was coming from not to far in a bush Izuku quickly ran over to the noise and tried to touch the bush so he could move it but it was a thorn bush and it made him whimper but he ended up going through the pain and soon he saw what the noise was coming from....
"k-kacchan..." Izuku said as he saw a child katsuki with scratches and bruises on him as he assumed katsuki was hit by a quirk and fell into the bush

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku said before he tried to grab the small katsuki but he moved away from Izukus hand scared "kacchan it's me come on we need to get you cleaned up before your wounds get worse" Izuku said in a calm voice before the small katsuki sniffled a bit before he grabbed Izukus hand

Izuku pulled the small blonde out of the bush and set him down but he noticed the small katsuki whimpered loudly softly push Izuku to let him go but was to strong Izuku looked down seeing a vine from the bush was caught on katsukis leg and hand thorns basically nailed into it

Izuku panicked as he saw this and he put katsuki down as he tried to take off the vine from his leg doing it as carefully as possible

Baby kacchan! [complete] Where stories live. Discover now