Last day...

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Izuku had stayed up holding katsuki in the lap the hole night as he caught both of them up on school work he didn't notice that is was morning already until he turned off his computer and saw sunlight coming in though his window "morning already?" Izuku softly mumbled before he got up taking katsuki with him to the kitchen

Katsuki was asleep as Izuku took him to the kitchen so if he woke up he wouldn't be scared Izuku made breakfast for everyone and he had set katsuki down on the couch while he did so

Izuku thought for a second "wait isn't today the last day of kacchan being.....a baby"  he mumbled to him self getting sad off those words, he sighed as he kept cooking and made plates for everyone covering them before he had something for katsuki since katsuki was picky,

"I-Izuku.." the still small katsuki said as he rubbed his eyes which had small tears piercing his eyes "what's wrong kacchan?" Izuku asked as he picked up katsuki "you left me again and e-everyone was staring at me.." katsuki said obviously still sleepy Izuku turned off the stove before he went and sat katsuki down at the table giving him his food "here, this will make you feel better" Izuku said just to get katsuki to eat which he did Izuku went ahead and ate so when everyone woke up he could be spending his last hours with baby katsuki

                                                                         A few minutes later

Izuku was playing with katsuki in his dorm room just so katsuki could have fun for a bit at lest "what should we play" "hero's!" Katsuki answered, Izuku giggled "ok, you be the hero and you have to help me?" Izuku asked and katsuki nodded "Yep!"


                                       Katsuki and Izuku played for hours.....and hours Until

Izuku giggled as he waited for katsuki to save him but then he heard a thud and got up went to check on katsuki "kacchan are you ok?" Izuku said before he saw katsuki laying on the ground not moving

(Cliff hanger 😗)

Baby kacchan! [complete] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ