Normal kacchan?..

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Izuku was scared on what he just saw "KACCHAN!?" He yelled as he quickly went to the child Bakugo, katsuki wasn't moving but he was still breathing Izuku quickly picked him up and rushed to recovery girls office
After she told Izuku "since he's been hit by a quirk it's wearing off now so he'll only stay in this form for a few hours now" recovery girl said

Izuku sighed in relief that katsuki was ok but he soon hear a small cry as he looked down and katsuki had gotten up and went to Izuku hugging his leg, Izuku picked him up softly rocking him putting katsuki to sleep as recovery girl told Izuku that he'd only be like this for 2 more hours and Izuku was allowed to leave

Izuku took katsuki to his dorm and laid him down "bye baby kacchan" Izuku said before he kissed baby Bakugo's forehead leaving the sleeping katsuki with a small smile

The next day

Izuku had but the baby katsuki In katsukis dorm and Izuku slept in his own dorm so when he woke up baby katsuki wasn't there Izuku sighed softly as he got up and walked out of his dorm going to katsukis room he passed the common room and his eyes opened wide

Katsuki was still a child baby katsuki was playing with Mina Sero Denki and kirishima "kacchan!?" Izuku said surprised "your supposed to be normal again she said it would only be two hours!?" Izuku said as he went to katsuki and hugged him the still baby katsuki giggled "we found him wondering around the school at 5 am last night" Denki said as Izuku was still confused "how did he get out of his dorm? I closed it before I left"he questioned him self "well he said he was following someone but he didn't tell us who" kirishima said "we kinda just stayed up with him since he looked lost" Mina said as the baby katsuki saw some one walk by "look it's her it was following her" katsuki said as he pointed at a blond haired girl,Toga

((I'm back guysssssss))

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