Chapter 11

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Sasha's POV
"Hello there.." I turned around to see a boy who's voice sounds like the amazing EpiZGamerZz who has the same amount of subscribers as pewdiepie (not true)
"My names tris. or EpiZGamerZz on YouTube and wattpad."
My social anxiety got the best of me and I went all shy.
"H-h-hi." I said barely above a whisper.
"I-I'm aww_cute_bunny. on YouTube and wattpad." oh yeh that's my secret I'm the most subscribed YouTubers on youtube, no one knows what I look like or my age it's amazing tris is like me no one knows his looks or age.
"Why you here?" He asked.
"Well I feel like my adopted mum doesn't like me, so I ran away." I explained. he understood what I was going through. I told him my story and he listened and didn't butt in (haha butt in) he told me he was here to build a tree house. I asked why was a 13 year old boy building a tree house by his self, and he said he wasn't alone, I asked who are you with and he said me.
A week later!
Sasha's POV
Mum/annie/Vengelfe never came looking for me. she moved house. she moved into my old house, yes the one we're I was abused, were my dad died on me, were my mum committed suicided, were my sister cut to deep. the tree house was finished and I live in it. there's wifi so I watch annie. I saw my room was never changed and still had drawings of me and Annie on the walls, there was still the faint blood on the floor were my dad and mum died, and the sparkle of the blade that his on the floor. me and tris have got really close now. I leant his name means love and I told him my names a unisex name that means defender/helper of mankind. I said that was impossible for me, and he said anything is possible if you believe,
"Is it possible for you to kiss me if I believe?" I said in my head or so I thought as next thing you know I have a black hair green eyed boy kissing me I felt sparks and so did he. we filmed videos together, like he would come to the tree house and play minecraft and I would make a lot of background noise.
I love tris and tris loves me.
Of coarse I text Amymaria03__thegamer she's my best friend I told her all about tris and she told me her adopted parents didn't want her so there sending her back to Liverpool, I was happy and sad at thee same time.
- a week after the day amy comes back to Liverpool.
Sasha's POV
That's it Iv had enough. it's my birthday my dads death date, my mums death date, my sisters death date. I can't do it no more I feel like the only two people who care about me is tris and Amy, I feel like Annie hates me. I made two letters, one for Annie which read
Dear Annie/ mum
Listen to the boy.
Love Sasha
and one for tris

The hanging tree
Dear tris/love
Before you read this go next door and read this with Annie.
are you are you coming to the tree?

I ran to Annie's house first as I knew a secret way into my room, I left one note on the bed.
I climbed out the window and snuck in next door like I have been for two weeks. I left the last note on tris's bed.
I ran back to the tree house. the tree is known as the hanging tree. I wrote one last note. with that I climbed on the chair at the bottom of the tree and kicked the chair away, I felt the rope tighten around my neck, bows my time to die.

Tris's POV
(Bet you didn't see that did yah!)
I walked into my room and saw a note. I ran to Annie's house and knocked on the door.
"Are you the boy?" she asked I noded.
I read the note as I walked up to her. I handed her the note and she read it.
"Why's the note called the hanging tree and why does it ask if your coming to the tree?" I now realised what's going on! I ran as fast as I could to the tree with Annie but far behind me. as soon as Annie reached the tree she fell on her knees and cried. I saw another note I read it in my head.
"Who ever reads this I'm the girl in the tree I couldn't take it anymore it's my birthday to day, my dads death day, mums death day and sisters death day, I feel like my mum Annie hates me, it's like the only people who like me are tris and my friend amy. don't worry I'm now joining them in heaven. I can't cope with all the bulling and feeling hated. I'm going to a better place now with my family. If you could save me don't. goodbye Sasha."
I cried hysterically as I gave Annie the note which only made her cry harder (still not the dirty way you dirty children) I ran to Sasha's lifeless body and hugged her.
"No no no no.." was all Annie would say.
I then said "there's still time....."

YouTube and abuseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें