the deal

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Its been weeks since you've fallen and gotten used to the monsters as well as the ruins.
You toriel and ganz were eating dinner laughing at jokes.
Soon it got late and all of you went to sleep.
Except two people
Shadow and Melancholy...
Shadow was vibing on the balcony using the structure as a walking beam. Mel was sneaking when he saw shadows hoodie flip down he went to cover his eyes but sees
Shadow having a freaking six pack!
He was speechless and they noticed.
Shadow back flipped off and landed on the floor safely.
"Mel? How long have you been standing there?"they asked.
"Long enough to see you have a six pack."he said crossing his arms with a smile.
"So,why did you ask me here?"
"To find answers,Shady."
He purrs stepping closer to them.
"Ok,what do you want to know?"
"Simple questions,dear.why you're here?"
"I got separated from my physical body."
"How old are you?"
"25"they simply stated
"Wait really?"
"Yeah,I stopped ageing at 16."
"What are you?"
"Clearly not human I haven't been in 15 years I'll let you figure out by yourself." They winked.
He pulls them closer shadow gets antsy his finger traces their chin.
"Why so fidgety little shady? I won't bite...much.~" he flirted.
He pins them on the ground magic restricting shadow's scarred up wrists.
"If we're gonna be around together then we have to communicate so either you come clean or I have to find out myself."
"you wouldn't dare-mmphf?!" They get cut off by mel kissing them.
(You thought it was only ganz x reader nah its also melanadow)
He sits on shadow stomach while shadow was trying to escape.
"Tell me Shadow."
"..."they stay silent not cracking.
"*sigh* you're making this harder on yourself,girl."
"I'm a boy"
This causes Mel to be silent staring at him in astonishment.
"If you thought I was a girl than you're wrong like I said I stopped ageing at 16."
Mel let's him go getting up.
Shadow undos his hoodie revealing his scarred chest with a look of displeasure then he zips it up again.
"Where did you get all those scars?"
"Years of fighting on the surface."
"You still haven't told me what are you yet."
"If I told you please don't freak out."
"I won't."
"I'm a vampire I've been this way for 15 years and counting,I got turned against my will when I was barely in middle school.before I had a nasty case of strep bronchitis. 5 years ago I got crowned as king all because I killed Dracula the former king.I got all of these from him."he explains looking at his wrists.
"How long since you've fed?"
"About a month but I'm learning to ignore the blood I guess that's a win."
"Oh that's not a good thing I need you at your fullest. Come on,I need to show you something."
He drags him by the arm to the ruins door seeing cracks being present.
"What's with the door."
"That's what protecting us from the others,they want to kill ganz and the others.He's a traitor because he helped a human and that is against the law by the king."
"So you want me to help you defend the ruins?"
"Exactly,we need all the help we could return,I'll supply you with substance."
"Just say blood,we're all adults here as far as I know."
He stares at the door wondering what's on the other side.then a question came to light.
"Mel how are you going to give me blood if you're a spirit too?
Mel smiles and grabs shadow's head with his hands placing him next to his neck.
"Don't be afraid to bite there babe.~"
Shadow leaves cussing in Japanese.
"See you later, Daddy ~"
Faint groaning was all he heard.

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