so much fun tonight (smut) part 1

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(This includes Dom Colson and switch Pete and different kinks and y/n is sub and they three have said they have been open to a threesome situation but nothing ever happened til now. tw: degrading)

You open your door to see your two best friends Colson and Pete for movie night that you guys have every two weeks.

 Tonight you guys are gonna watch after for the first time. Apparently Pete and Colson has watched some of this movie but then they realized that it's a movie they want to watch with you. 

At first you were excited but then you were suspicious of why they wanted to watch a fan fiction chic flic but no point in questioning. You have been wanting to watch this movie for a while now. 

"Y/n! how are you dude?" colson said picking u up in hug then setting you down "hey kells!! ive been fine how bout you?" you say looking at him then you look at Pete "petaaa!! how are u?" "couldn't be better shorty"

 he says patting your head laughing as you walk into you room where the big tv is you tell the boys to get comfortable while you put popcorn in the microwave. while your in the kitchen making popcorn.

 the boys get comfortable on your bed and Pete's hand touches something "what the fuck?" he says as he grabs a blue vibrator he looks at colson smirking but then they hear you coming back to the room and Pete hides it. 

(I legit forgot how after went but from what remember is what ima write lol)

after a half an hour the first sex scene came on and you felt your cheeks heat up like a 7th grade girl who has never been kissed.

 then you notice that Pete and Colson noticed this and looked at each other smirking and out of nowhere Pete shifted a little in his spot then he exclaimed.

 "ow what the fuck y/n what is this" he said pulling out your blue vibrator from under the pillow he layed on and you felt your cheeks go the most red it can ever go. you turn to both of them and they were both smirking 

"what's this y/n" colson says holding the vibrator "uh its a vibrator that I used a couple hours ago" you said mumbling 

"I don't take well to mumbling y/n mind speaking up please" colson says pointing the vibrator at you "it's a vibrator that I used a couple hours ago" you repeated clearly but lowly the boys looked at each other 

"how bout we use it on you? and make you feel so much better than this can make you feel alone." Pete says putting his hand on your thigh you tensed up a bit. 

but then you remember that you were comfortable with Pete and kells and you relaxed "can I take off you shorts y/n?" you softly nodded to colson's question as he take you shorts off Pete sits behind you and starts playing with your neck and putting little kiss on your neck.

this made you feral although you had released a couple hours earlier you still hadn't had physical sexual stuff happen in 6 months and just by Pete kissing your neck and colson rubbing your knee while making eye contact with your core that was getting wetter by the second. Pete slips off your shirt. 

"we're gonna have so much fun tonight y/n" kells says playing with the hem of your panties " so much fun" Pete says kissing your neck and playing with your bra strap.

the unholy trinity (pete,dom and colson) x reader oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang