Task Force XY

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You're in a plane heading to the city of Honolulu

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You're in a plane heading to the city of Honolulu. You're a member of Task Force X, also known as the Suicide Squad. In the plane sit 12 villains. Captain Nazi, Hate Monger, Toad, Catman, Stilt Man, Kite Man, Killer Moth, Slipknot, Prankster, Doctor Light, Crimson Dynamo, and Crossbones. They're criminals from all walks of life, and are some of the best in their field.
You're here because you have powers, and those powers can be used to help the government, at least that's what your boss Amanda Wallers thinks.

> Catman licks himself.
Catman sits in the plane alongside the rest of the villains. Captain Nazi is at the front of the plane, while you'reuddled into a seat at the back next to Kite Man.
"You can skip the first step."

> Hate Monger says "What are we doing in Honolulu? Did the JEWS invade?"
"We're going to invade Hawaii."
"That sounds like a brilliant idea," you say sarcastically, "Why are we doing it?"
"Just follow orders for once and don't think about it!" Captain Nazi snaps.

> Captain Nazi says "You know the deal, successfully complete the mission and we get 10 years off our sentence."
"What if we fail?" you ask.
"We fail... well I'd rather not say."
You all sit in silence for the rest of the flight, no-one wanting to say the words "If we fail, we die."

> Hate Monger says "I have a life sentence, I am a clone of Adolf Hitler."
Hate Mongers begins to speak but is interupted by Kite Man, "Wait, wait, what?"
Kite Man laughs. He thinks the situation is funny.
"You're a life sentenced..."

> Captain Nazi says "How DARE you compare yourself to Hitler!"
"It's a valid point Captain, considering it was me that helped put him in power and I get the same sentence as him."
"Don't give me that! He destroyed your own country, don't you see what you're punishing yourself for?"

> Hate Monger says "I'm not just a clone of Adolf, I also possess his memories. You should be worshipping me."
Captain Nazi attempts to stand up and points at you. "Your logic is flawed and your patriotism is misplaced. You should be worshipping ME!"
You're about to interject when Kite Man cuts you off, "You think your memories make you a god, but they don't. I have memories of flying, do they actually give me the ability to fly? No. They just show what you've been exposed to."

> Crimson Dynamo says "I think Germany is pretty homo."
"Yeah, I guess so," you say.
"But there's more to life than just love, and maybe Kite Man is right and the Captain isn't doing himself any favors."
Kite Man turns to you, "Do you think I'm right?"
"I think, we should follow orders and try to make the most of this... but at the end of the day, I think it's pretty clear that we're all gonna die."

> Hate Monger says "When is Waller going to tell us what the mission is? We're going in blind."
"What mission?" Kite Man asks.
"The mission, the one that Amanda assigned to us! Didn't you get an e-mail about it?"
Kite Man pulls out his phone and begins fiddling with it.

> Toad eats a fly.
"I have questions."
"What does Captain Nazi actually do? He seems to just yell a lot."

> Doctor Light says "Captain Nazi is an enemy of Captain Marvel and Jewish people."
"He once punched out a peer reviewer that failed to give the film Captain Marval's Make a Wish Foundation favorably."
"That doesn't sound very positive."
Honolulu grows closer as Amanda Waller speaks to the team through their earpieces. "Kim Jong Un has invaded the main island of Hawaii. He's got an estrogen weapon known as the Feminizer hidden somewhere on the island. Your mission is to find the missile and disable it, before he can use it on California."
"We're really risking life and limb for the West Coast this time," Kite Man whines, "What's in California?"
"It's not for us to know," Amanda says.
"The last time we took a mission like this."

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