6. chaos

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The omega's eyes flutters open, he can sense how warm and cozy he feels. So warm and so cozy that he wants to go right back to his slumberland again. But he also can sense in his kind of fuzzy brain cells, a worried pheromone, permeating around him. Urging him to get up and open his eyes. Asap.

Arthit thus tries to focus his eyes which feels oddly blurry and weighing heavy. The first thing he sees, a pair of tear glazed onyx orbs looking right back at him. He is absolutely familiar with those black depths of concern and care. Oh that explains the overtly worried pheromones surrounding him.

" Phi why are you crying?"
The drops glistening escapes the alpha's eyes inches away from omega's face and the next is an answering hug rather than words. A tight almost bone crushing hold, he is pushed upon the alpha's chest, followed by heavy sobbing from his phi.

The omega moves his hand up and down the back of the alpha. Trying to solace the restless soul hugging him close. But the choking hug and the distressing pheromones are making him queasy.

" Uha..phi you are squeezing me too hard. It's hurting."

The hug softnes immediately but he is not let go by his phi. The tears continue wetting his shirt at the back. The omega tries to remember what had transpired before his sleep to make his hard coconut like high alpha crumble. And show his inner marshamellow side.

And the memories immediately floods back. Their uh ahm heddy sexy activities, his waving bye, the sudden waves of fatigue after the hillock, the rain, the chilling cold to his bones and then did he faint? Must be, if his alpha in his arms is so softy now.

Since Arthit knows he can't do much headway with the koala bear hugging him, he tries to peek from his position upon the thumping chest, towards the bedside clock. Oh it's just 730 pm. That's why he is not surrounded by his dad or an army of doctors or in a hospital bed. Both his dada and alpha are notorious for making mountain out of mole hill if it concerns his health.

Last time he fainted a few years back due to stomach flu and fever, he had found himself in a white hospital room with multiple needle prick and an iv running. He shudders to the extremely unpleasant memories of battery of tests he was subjected to, just because his dad and alpha decided he needed thorough check up. And it's totally unacceptable to have loose motions or fever!

" are you cold? I should have called the doc right away. But i needed to change your soaked clothes first and the moment I laid you on the bed. You started regaining consciousness. Shit you are literally shivering and here I am wasting time hugging you. You need medical attention. And here I .. uh.."

The omega so wants to roll his eyes at this expected rambling. As he is released from the hug ultimately and the alpha scrambles towards his phone.But he decides rolling eyes can wait, preventing the alpha making a phone call to the clan doctor and unnecessary eating the poor man's head is the first priority.

" phi.. phi.. listen to me.. no .. pls no calling Dr Lek. See I am absolutely fine . Like the handsome fine I am always am."
He smiles his dimpled smile, knowing that's his alpha's one of the weakness. Releasing his own soothing pheromone. For the still restless soul.

" Oon.."
the alpha whines knowing he can't win this situation. But he is not going to let go of this matter like this.

What if he didn't receive his parents message saying that they are not able to come back and he immediately hadn't decided to pursue the omega already towards his home. What if the alpha had arrived a little late. He was so caught off guard when he saw his omega almost stumbling through the heavy rain and then about to fall over nothing. And then the sudden black out .

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