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– blooming was a wish to die.
daisies encased,

roses bookmarked,

lilies vased,

sunflowers gardened,

orchids watered,

carnations decorated,

dahlias bloomed,

i gave you the land of my garden,

a place that held ground for my heart.

i gave it all to you,

so that i instead withered,

with the scorching of the sun,

with bugs being fed off of myself,

i grew the thorns your roses bloomed,

i drowned in the water your lilies were vased,

i lost breath for your dasies encased,

i was the dirt upon which your sunflowers gardened,

i left my thirst unquenched for your orchids to be watered,

i hid behind those carnations you decorated,

for no,

i wasn't to be heard or seen of,

i wasn't to be bloomed,



what if i instead bloomed a dahlia over the land of my heart?

it's okay if i were to get hurt with it's wood that followed,

it's okay if i was thorned at my throat,

it's okay if i was drowned in my tireless float,

it's okay if my fires burned me instead,

it's okay if my garden was a graveyard of orange blossoms,

it's okay,

for i would still have my dahlia,

because if it bloomed,

even a single petal of hope,

i will know then at last,

that my future is a better spring,

that the last,

and that to bloom,

pain was death,

but to love,

was a wish to die.

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