Final Escape

704 21 3

Jessica point of view. 

The cold drips from the pipe hanging over me. Began to drip freezing water down my cheek hitting floor with drip drip drip. Opening my eyes to darkness of the room i couldn't see, or hear anything. 

But cold howls of the chilly dark night. Sighing i moved my fingers trying free them from the pain they was stuck in and looked around. The moon light shined in through crack window,  Sawing figure in the door way watching me looking. 

"Who are you" i shouted getting more annoyed by staying in this warehouse. Figure didn't reply to my question other than coming closer and closer until i felt slight hit on my head.

Knocking me out cold........ 

-2 Hours later-

Waking up in house with a fire burning softly snow falling down. I began to look around and noticed someone sitting in brown vitange chair gazing at fire not moving to my feet.

"Sir" was all i slipped out of my mouth until i saw ... 



cliff hanger 

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