Chapter 22

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"East Lands?"



Their newest, and unwelcome, guest has raised a lot of questions in her first few moments of arrival. Sky was wary of the woman. She stared the woman up and down, trying to assess her in a way. She was slender, petite almost. Not very tall, but was very beautiful. As you would expect from a queen. She just called out 'evil queen'. From the long dark hair that flowed behind her, the henchmen that followed her like bodyguards, and she even a staff that she walked with. Fair skin, almost white, and icy blue eyes. Long black ball gown. Sky was on her guard the moment she took everything in. There was more to this woman than just being a queen and she was going to figure it out.

As Kira moved into the house and into the middle of the room, Sky's eyes followed. Every single movement. She wasn't going to let anything get past them. This was her group. Her friends. Her family. She'd protect them at all costs. She made that promise and she swore by it. There was no way that this random queen was going to change that.

"I'd hate for my favorite couple to be broken up!" Kira exclaimed as she looked around at everyone. Most of them shifted uncomfortably as she looked them all over. Her eyes piercing as she stared. It was the most uncomfortable any of them had ever felt. Even Alex. Who's fiance and fiance's husband were standing just a few steps away. "Kevin and Avi were meant to be!"

"Excuse me?" Austin asked, trying to hold back a laugh. Sky was glaring at him to try and keep him quiet. But come on, it's Austin. "I think you meant Alex and Avi." Alex wanted to thank, slap and hug Austin all at once at that moment.

Kira stared at the redhead in confusion. As if he had spoken in a foreign language. "No. I'm never mistaken. Kevin and Avi were betrothed by me personally."

Alex thought he was starting to understand what was happening, but he had to be sure. He needed a way to get Kira to admit just what he was thinking. Without a second thought, he brushed past Tim and made his way toward his best friend. He did his best to subtly excuse himself and Sky as they entered the kitchen. The two of them needed a plan. Quick. It shouldn't be hard. This was something that they were good at. They've been making plans and solving problems since they were kids. This just was one more that they needed to solve. Alex needed the love of his life back. And from the look in his best friend's eyes? Sky needed Kira gone. They could find a way to accomplish both tasks at once. At least he hopes...

"What the hell?!" Sky whisper-shouted.

Alex shushed her as he closed the kitchen door behind them. He didn't need any eavesdroppers. With a deep breath, he finally looked at Sky and spoke. "We need a plan. Fast."

"I know." Sky said with a sigh. Her instincts would never lie to her. "This lady is bad news and we need to get rid of her."

"I think she sent Kevin." Alex blurted out, catching Sky by surprise. "I just can't prove it. She needs to confess."

Sky nodded, understanding where her best friend was coming from. "I also think she sought us out on purpose."

With the two of them on the same page, they took a seat at the table and tried to come up with a plan. They ran through every possible scenario that they could, and tried to find a solution that would go with it. It was going to be difficult, but they were determined to find a way. No matter what.


In the living room, things were tense. No one knew what to do or say. This guest arrived unknown, unannounced, and unwanted. This was completely unacceptable for this group. This isn't how they run things.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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