Chapter 16

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Sky and her group were sat in Ericha's small little house. Adam was looking around, noticing that she had nothing to remember him, Sky, or even Cerise. It saddened him, but he tried his best not to let it show.

He was going to get answers, but not if he got upset.

"Adam?" Ericha's voice called out to him. It was still so surreal that it was even happening. "Adam." She called out again.

"Yes?" He asked, looking back at her. She had that smile on her face. The one she had when he met her all those years ago.

"You came here for a reason. Can you pay attention long enough to hear what I have to say?" Ericha countered.

Sami seethed. "You're supposed to be dead at the moment! Watch how you talk to him. He has a right to be confused!"

Sky placed her hand on Sami's arm, trying to keep the woman from unsheathing her knives. As she continued to glare at the woman across the room, Sami reluctantly started to put her knives away.

"Tell me how this is possible." Adam spoke, and Sky swore she could hear the tears in the man's eyes. Sky and Ericha watched as Avi placed a gentle hand on Adam's shoulder as they awaited the woman's answer.

"Cerise or escaping the war?" Ericha asked, sipping her tea.

"Both would be nice to know." Sky added, her gaze hardening as the woman before kept dodging the questions.

"Let me start at the beginning." Ericha stated.


"Goodbye, my Adam." Ericha whispered as she stood on the porch of their small house, watching her husband ride off with a group of the kingdom's soldiers.

She closed her eyes as she placed a hand over her stomach, a tear slipping down her cheek. It pained her to know that her dear Adam would never know that she was with child. But, she figured it was best that way.

Ericha spent her entire pregnancy between her home and the castle. She had been in talks with the queen soon after Adam had left to fight in the war.

"Why does the king think he can conquer any land he finds?" Ericha would ask herself everyday. She knew that if the king didn't try and take over the lands in the west, Adam would still be there with her. They could be a family.

Eventually it came time to give birth to her baby girl. But she knew that she would never be a good enough mother, so she kept her deal with the queen, and gave the baby up for adoption. The queen would find the cover story, and the royal family would take the baby. Ericha would be able to be free of anything dealing with the castle, and could live her life.

But, that would never happen. Even if there was no paperwork to go with the adoption of her baby.

"Goodbye little one." She whispered as she kissed the baby's head before handing her to the queen. Ericha willed herself not to cry as she gathered her things and headed out of the castle and back into the city.

It didn't take long for the war to be brought to their kingdom. She hadn't heard from Adam in months! She didn't know what he was doing, or if he was even alive. So, she decided that it was best to leave the kingdom to keep herself safe.

Thirteen years went by. She was out of the kingdom, but something inside her pulled her back for a brief visit. She wrote to her parents, explaining that she would need to stay with them for a few days while she was visiting. Of course, just wanting to see their daughter, they agreed.

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