Chapter 14

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Avi sank to one knee, staring up at his boyfriend with shining green eyes. The look on his face screamed 'I'm in love with you' and Alex read it loud and clear.

"Av..." Alex started, but Avi shook his head.

"Let me do this." Avi started, still staring into Alex's eyes. "Baby, we met in this exact spot. There's an ongoing joke to it, and it makes my day each time we talk about it. Austin and Sky were here, so I brought them along. I wanted this scene exactly as it happened.

Alex, you grew up half a palace kid, but you stayed down to earth. You accepted me even though I wasn't one of the royals. I'm not going to be cliche and say this was 'love at first sight' but it sure as hell was strong feelings from the start.

I love you so much, Alex. We have a our differences, and fights, but that makes us work. So in saying that, here in front of our best friends. Alex, love of my life, will you marry me?"

Alex stared at the man before him, speechless. Avi gave a comforting smile as he pulled out a silver ring that was in the shape of a dragon. It was as if the dragon's body was wrapping around the finger with a black stone in the dragon's mouth.

"Hey! Idiot! Say 'yes' please!" Sky shouted, pulling Alex from his slight trance.

"Avi I..." Alex started looking between his lover and his best friend. Avi's bright eyes suddenly started to lose the life they always have as he watched Alex. "I love you too. You don't need a 'yes' because you know I'd do anything if it's with you."

"GIVE A GIRL A HEART ATTACK!" Sky said, sighing in relief. Austin chuckled as he held her. This was all amusing to him.

"Oh thank god." Avi breathed out, slipping the very unique ring onto Alex's finger.

The taller of the two stood to his feet and pulled Alex in for a kiss. As Sky watched, she couldn't help but smile. Her best friend had been through a lot, and now she gets to watch him get the fairy tale ending.

Now she hopes she'll get that with Austin.

Little did she know, the redhead was thinking the same thing.


"What was the gift?! I have to know!" Sami ambushed the group of four as the walked back into the house.

"In due time, my friend." Alex said with a chuckle, trying his best to keep his smile hidden and his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Gay! Spill it!" Tim said, smirking as he folded his arms over his chest.

"You don't, I will." Sky said with shrug when she noticed her best friend staring at her.

Avi nudged his fiancé, leading him to the living room where everyone else was. Sky, Austin, Tim and Sami followed close behind, taking their seats. The entire room was silent as they stared at the two couples that had just gotten back.

Rob and Adam were on the edge of their seats. Literally. Sami and Kelsey were just about there. They were all waiting to hear about Avi's great surprise, but the two men were taking their time. To say that the silence were driving them crazy? Major understatement.

With a sigh, Alex looked to Avi and nodded. Now Sami was literally at the edge of her seat too.

"Okay I've left you in suspense long enough." Alex chuckled when Sami mumbled a 'no shit.' He pulled his hand out of his pocket and showed all of them. Avi's smiles brightened, but everyone else seemed confused.

"Avi did you..?" Adam asked, looking between the two. Avi only nodded, taking Alex's hand in his.

Right after the action was displayed, squeals were heard. Most of the men covered their ears to keep the shrieks and squeals from being deafening. Sami, Kelsey, and Lydia all wrapped the newly engaged couple in a large group hug. Everyone else just congratulated them with a slight pat on the back, or a friendly gesture.

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