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I stand for rabbit hybrid Tommy ✋🏻😞
Tommy is how ever old a toddler is
Ranboo is like a couple years older than him

It was a rainy day in the Minecraft house hold. The house was quiet but held annoyance, anger and frustration. While Philza was out working another later night shift his kids had gotten into another argument. It was something petty. The two oldest twins (Wilbur and Technoblade) were tired of recent aggressive behavior from their youngest brother Theseus. The boy was growing and taking in his hybrid personality and form. He was a rabbit hybrid, specifically a dwarf rabbit just like his mother. One thing led to another and now Tommy ran away. Their mother wasn't there to stop. Why? Well that's because she was in the hospital. Right now Tommy was exploring the forest in his yellow raincoat with little red rabbits painted on. His only light source was the little lantern with a single candle burning bright as it could. It was dark and young Tommy could only assume it was night. And just like any big man would, he brought a sword with him (It was just a stick since he wasn't allowed to have one yet).

A tall lanky enderman hybrid kid followed the blond boy. Killing any mobs that came to hurt the blond boy. If this was the right boy then he would need him alive. This boy could free him and his family.

"Ah!" Tommy screamed as a Skeleton shot an arrow in his direction

The enderman hybrid quickly teleported to the boy picking up the small child then teleporting away.

"Tommy!" A shout was heard in the distance

Tommy looked around to find nothing but trees, grass and the rain.

What teleported him?

"Tommy! Oh thank goodness I found you." Philza sighed

Tommy only looked at him confused.

"Daddy?" Tommy spoke

Philza nodded and picked up his youngest kid.

"Let's go home, bub" Philza sighed

The enderman stared at the two. He needed Tommy. In the bark of the wood he marked Ranboo.

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