Cats 🌺🌸

548 18 9

Ages are 17

This does mention of death and hint at suisid. It also hints at neglect and amus

To get an idea on how the cats look I'll give you images

To get an idea on how the cats look I'll give you images

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with that being said enjoy

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with that being said enjoy

It was a cold rainy night. It rained hard. The wind howling and nipping at any skin that showed. People either walked around wearing warm clothes or went home to their families. In this harsh weather a young cat sat under a box. The cat was black and white with green and blue eyes. The cat's fur looks similar to marvel. The cat curled into itself to keep warm. It scratched every once and awhile (flees nipping at its skin).

You're probably wondering where's this cat's home? Where's it's family? Does it have a name? This cat has no home, it doesn't have a name and it has no family or at least it doesn't remember.

It's hard to get food. Fights occur often when trying to get food or a place to stay. This cat has been in many fights (really it's just two).

Now then let's move back to the present. This cat was minding its own business when a young boy came up to him....well more like a teen but that's not what mattered.

"Oh? Hello." The boy whispered

The cat stares at the boy. The feeling of something familiar scratching at his nose. The boy slowly reached his hand out to him. The cat hissed a bit. The boy pulled his hand away.


The boy walked away. The cat put its head back down slowly drifting into a dreamless sleep.


The cat woke up to a warm bed and a dimly lit room. The room had a desk and a bed. There wasn't much room decor. Only a few posters and a couple of stuffed animals. The color of the room was a basic white and cream carpet.

"Oh pog your up!"

The cat's head snapped around. Its eyes were wide and its heart rate sped. The cat's eyes landed on the same boy he saw earlier. The boy was wearing an oversized dark brown sweater with an even darker brown hoodie. Patches decorated the sleeves (about five). The boy was wearing black sweats and white socks. The boy had blue eyes...they looked dull. His hair looked fluffy and golden (like a golden retriever). The boy seemed to be coving something with the bandaid on his face.

A soft purr cut the cat's thoughts short. A hand was petting him. It felt nice.

"Your fur reminds me of someone I once knew." the boy said

The cat purred.

"I'll call you Ranboo." he whispered


It had been about three weeks since the boy or better known as Tommy had taken him home. Tommy had taken him to the vet, there they gave him medication for the ticks and his shots. Tommy seems to hide him from another family. It's odd...surly Tommy would want to show him to his family right? Part of Ranboo thinks it's because Tommy doesn't like his family. The way the boy would flinch when a hand was raised to him or when a loud noise came in the boy would shiver only makes it more suspicious (another part knows why). Tommy often took him to another boy's house. This boy had brown hair and bangs that covered his eyes. He was short and chaotic like Tommy. This boy loved bees and loved him too (squishes him when given the chance). His name was Tubbo but sometimes Tommy called him Toby. When Tubbo first heard of him he looked kinda sad but held a smile nonetheless.


Ranboo excitedly ran to Tommy, his boy. He purred as Tommy scratched behind his ears. Tommy picked him up


Tommy giggled. His smile didn't reach his eyes today.


Tommy held Ranboo close as he began to sob.

"I-I love you." Tommy weeped

Ranboo did his best to comfort his boy.


That night Tommy had left him at Tubbo's house. It had been so lonely without the boy. Tubbo also seemed sad too. Ranboo didn't feel like eating anymore. Where's Tommy? Ranboo would cry for his boy. Tubbo would try to comfort him. Sometimes it was the other way around. Other people would come around too. A lady with long white puffy hair and another lady with short pink hair would show up and talk to Tubbo. Sometimes a boy who looked bald would show up. Anyone who showed up had the same expression when they looked at them, sad and pitiful. Where was Tommy? They tried to get him to eat but he didn't feel hungry. He would eat sometimes but it wasn't often.


About a week later Tubbo came home with a box that had some holes in it. That same week Tubbo had also managed to get Ranboo to eat more.


Ranboo's head perced up, "That wasn't from me."

Tubbo placed the box in front of Ranboo. Tubbo held a look of worry.

"Ranboo, please be nice to him." Tubbo pleaded

Ranboo tilted his head. Tubbo began to open the box. They looked inside. In the box was a fearful looking cat. The cat had blonde fur mixed with white and a little bit of charcoal black. They stared at each other, Tubbo waited for their reaction. This cat looks so familiar; no, it feels familiar.



"Meow!" the other cat meowed


Then it hits Ranboo, he can remember. It was night but there was still light. He was walking with Tommy, no particular destination set. It was just a way for Tommy to leave his neglectful house and his insane brother behind. A bright light shot through their vision. A car, speeding with a drunk man inside was going to hit Tommy. Ranboo had pushed him out of the way but in turn it was him who was struck by the car.

"Ranboo this is Theseus." Tubbo spoke breaking him from his thoughts


Ranboo and Tommy (Theseus) were very playful with each other. Tubbo was glaud he brought Theseus home. He'd have to thank Puffy later. These cats remind him of his friends.

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