for her, my beloved moon.

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『 ► our destiny 』

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our destiny

for her.

"Aigoo- oh, dah diam dah. Alright."

Jimin membetulkan kamera dan bergerak ke belakang sedikit, melambai-lambai pada kamera. "Hai, sayang! So we agreed to leave a special video for each other kan kan? Here's mine! Dengar sampai habis tau, budak bengek!"

Jejaka itu berdehem, mengerling sesuatu.
Lah skrip rupanya.

"Ehehehe malaslah nak pakai benda alah ni. Aku cakap benda yang aku nak cakaplah senang. Ado." Skrip tadi terus direnyuk dan dilempar ke tepi. Dia kembali tersengih inesen.

Hek eleh.

"Alright, sayang. Aku nak kau buka mata elok-elok, pandang aku yang kacak ni. Pasang telinga elok-elok, dengar betul-betul apa yang aku nak cakap. It might be cheesy and cringe but I'm telling a truth."

"It's true.. yang aku sakit dan aku dah sakitkan kau. It's true that I'm a bad husband for someone like you. You know what, sweetheart? I really really want to hold you near, I don't want to let you go."

"But sometimes.. love is about letting go."

"Percaya atau tak, Ju.. our marriage felt like a dream. You, yourself.. is so dreamy to me. I think I finally woke up from this sweet dream. And I need to let this little sweet butterfly go."


"Although I said this thousand times already, but I'm so sorry for what happened between us. These past years, we hurt each other. Tapi kau tak pernah tinggal aku. I don't understand why did you stay."

"Like, kau boleh cari lelaki yang lagi baik dari aku, kan? You even ask me to find someone else. Jadi aku fikir you can actually do the same. But you didn't."

"I don't understand."

"I always hope to hold your hand in mine, hug you real tight every night, look into those beautiful pair of eyes everyday. Tapi masa tak boleh putar semula, kan sayang?"

Jimin senyum.

"Aku pun tak berharap aku boleh putarkan masa semula. If all of this never happened, I won't see you the way I did today. I will never realize how delicate and soft you are."


"Walaupun bukan dengan aku.."

"Kau boleh bahagia, kan?"

"Kau boleh bina keluarga dengan lelaki yang lebih baik, kan?"

"Kau boleh senyum.. like you always do, kan?"

"Jodoh kita tak panjang, sayang. Empat tahun je. But I swear, these are the happiest days in my life. I spent my day and night with someone I love.."

Jimin menunduk, menarik sebuah bantal berwarna pink cair ke arahnya.

"But I'm afraid you won't feel the same."

Senyumannya lebar semula.

"So I think you might be happy with someone else! A looooot better than me! Eh, tapi aku handsome lagi. Ha itu yang paling penting."

"It hurts."

"To let you go."

"It really hurts me inside."

"Tapi jangan risau, kesayangan Chim. I'm strong enough to endure this pain! Hehe!"

"As long as my sweetheart will be happy,"

"It's not a big deal."

"As long as you happy, then I will set you free."


❚❚ our destiny

『 ❚❚ our destiny 』

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