Chapter 2

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"Here you are!" Luna Lovegood chirped as she finally found her best friend Ginny at the edge of the pool. Her white bikini fitted her tanned body perfectly, and she was paddling a little, enjoying the music of the partying people in her house.

There were students of Hogwarts High everywhere in her house. In the living room, at the pool, the jacuzzi, the treehouse... Just everywhere which was the Weasley's property.

"I didn't find you through all these people, and you didn't respond on my texts either." Luna said, sitting down next to Ginny and putting her feet in the pool as well. "Oh I'm sorry," Ginny apologized, "I left my phone inside my room, I didn't want it to fall into the water." said Ginny.

"I understand," Luna giggled, nodding understandable. "This party is amazing" she said, a sigh of pleasure escaping her lips. "I don't even know half the people who are here, but still I'm having so much fun." She smiled.

"Plus, Rolf is here. So that's a bonus." Luna said, raising her eyebrows up and down. "When are you going to be a thing anyways?" Ginny asked, "you two seem to like each other, so go for it." said Ginny.

"We're still in the flirt- phase." said Luna, "he needs to make the move, not me." Luna scoffed, "he's the guy. Guy needs to make a move." Luna stated, plashing some water in the air with her feet.

"That's so cliché," Ginny sniggered, shrugging her shoulders, "boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy kisses girl..." Ginny said, rolling her eyes, "we live in the 21th century, Luna. You can make a move as well." She scoffed.

"Yes I can, but if I make one, and he rejects me, then I'm going to be the loser. And I don't want that to happen," Luna groaned. "You don't want what to happen?" A masculine voice asked from behind the two girls.

Luna's eyes widened as she saw Rolf Scamander standing behind them, a small smile plastered on his face. "Ginny, can I steal her from you for a couple of minutes?" Rolf sweetly asked. Luna's face turned red as a tomato and Ginny giggled while nodding, "of course" she said.

Before Luna and Rolf left together, Ginny winked at Luna and mouthed 'you got this'. Luna's heart beated faster than ever when Rolf put his hand on her lower back to lead her to a place where it's a little bit more quiet, leaving Ginny alone again at the pool.

Or well, alone is said much. There are tons of students here.

Ginny decided to go look if there's anyone in her room, and if so, she would kick them out of it and lock her bedroom. She stood up and stood at the edge of the pool, but she slipped because of the puddles of water which were laying next to the pool.

Ginny squealed when she lost her balance, but she got caught right on time by a strong hand which pulled her back. "I would say that you're falling for me on purpose" The guy chuckled.

Ginny's eyes widened as she realized that it was Harry again who caught her, causing her not to fall into the pool.

"Oh my gosh," Ginny whispered to herself, "thank you so much, again." Ginny said, nervously taking a step backwards so that she wasn't pressed against Harry anymore. "I'm so clumsy, it's embarrassing." She said, her cheeks turning a darker shade of pink.

"No problem," Harry chuckled, "seems like I'm always here on the right moment." Harry laughed. Ginny shifted her feet and bit her lip as she stared at Harry's body. She felt his eyes analyzing hers as well, but she couldn't blame him for something she's doing as well, right?

"But I uh- I was actually going to my room to get my phone," Ginny said, clearing her throat, "and besides, I don't want your girlfriend to get mad again," she said, licking her underlip. "Right," Harry said, "Cho..." he murmured.

"Yeah..." Ginny said, "but I guess that I'm going to-" Ginny said, pointing at the upper window, the window of her bedroom. "Yes, yes of course." Harry said, a deep chuckle escaping her lips. "I see you at school then?" He yelled after her as she was walking towards her house.

She put her thumb up without turning around, because her cheeks were bloody red. "Oh my-" she whispered to herself, biting her underlip.

"Well damnit..." Harry whispered, staring at the redhead walking away.

Hey guys!! Don't get mad. I know I updated after ages. But I am Lazy and you have to forgive your lazy author. Lol. And also I was busy with assignments and annoying someone ... more than one... 😶

😅😜 fhsbyaanksnsntwhiwhshgsjsbggwhhw

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