20. the victim's plea

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Trigger warning: This work contains themes of rape. Those not comfortable with the theme, please refrain from reading further.

I always found it quite funny,
How mothers told their daughters to be wary of the boys,
But never even once warned their sons to be cautious with a lady.
Apparently flaunting the beauty god bestowed is what they call being slutry,
But commenting and belittling it to something else is what they called disciplining.

A women alone at night is surely meant to be a prostitute,
And her dignity with cruel prejudiced words they execute.
A girl brutally raped and killed,and her killers send to the jail.
But the girl was at wrong to be out at that time, so they got their bail.

Isn't it about time we stop?
Of all the humanity you have tained, if somewhere within you a bit of it remains,
All the wretched souls of those victims beseech you,
Please teach your brother, son and then your grandsons,
That women are just as much a temple of god as any other there will be.
Not all of them maybe a Goddess but all come from goodness,
Their gentleness and care the world need,
Not illness and despair to their minds should you feed.

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